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She didn't want even now even now. You saw again the old way of it, her little obstinate, triumphant smile, the look that paid you out, that said, "See how I've sold you." The violet ashen sheet clung to the furred soot of the chimney: you could still see the blenched letters. She couldn't really have thought it would make you conceited. That was only what she wanted to think she had thought.

Winchesters and shotguns protruded from the line threateningly, but the mob came on as though it were going to press through, and determined faces blenched with excitement, but not with fear. A moment later, the little colonel and the Guards on either side of him were jabbing at men with cocked Winchesters.

"That'll do," I said threateningly to the idiot, and at the sound of my voice and the gesture of my hand, he blenched, yelped, rolled over away from me, and then got to his feet and shambled off for several yards before stopping to regard us once more with his pacificatory, disgusting ogle.

He blenched at the idea I don't mean that you could see him blench, for of course you couldn't see it without you scraped him, and I didn't care enough about it to scrape him, but I knew the blench was there, just the same, and within a book-cover's thickness of the surface, too blenched, and trembled.

And suddenly high above the swaying crowd rose the head and shoulders of a man, a mighty man in the dusty habit of a miller, upon whose low-drawn hood and be-floured smock were great gouts and stains evil and dark; and now, beholding what manner of stains these were, all men fell silent and blenched from his path.

Trapes actually blenched before the glare in his eyes that was so strangely at odds with his soft, lazy tones. "And that ends it!" he nodded. "Mrs. Trapes, I've made up my mind!" "What about?" "Mr. M'Ginnis. I'll begin to-day." "Begin what?" "To prepare myself to bestow on him the thrashing of his life!" So saying, Ravenslee stretched lazily and finally got up. "Good morning, Mrs.

'One two three. Bang, bang! He had fired twice, purposely missing her. Miss Spencer never blenched. Racksole was tremendously surprised and he would have been a thousandfold more surprised could he have contrasted her behaviour now with her abject terror on the previous evening when Nella had threatened her. 'You've got a bit of pluck, he said, 'but it won't help you. Why won't you let us pass?

She received him with perfect calmness, though they have not spoken to each other for ten years. He came in with his erect, military port and heavy tread, looking little older, though his hair is gray. But he blenched at sight of her. "You must kiss me on the forehead," she said to him feebly, "but, please, very gently." 'So he kissed her, and sat down.

Another followed it instantly, and at deliberate intervals a third and fourth. Penfield blenched. His eyes wavered. He punched the bell-button a second time. The door was thrown wide and with the instantaneous effect of a jack-in-the-box Pete showed a dirty-grey face of fright on the threshold. "Good Lord, boss!" he yelled. "Run for yo' life! We's raided!" He vanished....

"A-ba, a-ba-ba," bleated the idiot, and pointed at the house. "Be off, I tell you!" said Ellen Mary fiercely. But still the idiot babbled and pointed. Ellen Mary stooped to pick up a stick. The idiot blenched; he understood that movement well enough, though it was a stone he anticipated, not a stick; with a foolish cry he dropped his arms and slouched away down the lane.