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Blake, C.C., on the jaw from La Naulette. Blakiston, Captain, on the American snipe; on the dances of Tetrao phasianellus. Blasius, Dr., on the species of European birds. Bledius taurus, hornlike processes of male. Bleeding, tendency to profuse. Blenkiron, Mr., on sexual preference in horses. Blennies, crest developed on the head of male, during the breeding season.

Westwood, J.O., on the classification of the Hymenoptera; on the Culicidae and Tabanidae; on a Hymenopterous parasite with a sedentary male; on the proportions of the sexes in Lucanus cervus and Siagonium; on the absence of ocelli in female Mutillidae; on the jaws of Ammophila; on the copulation of insects of distinct species; on the male of Crabro cribrarius; on the pugnacity of the male Tipulae; on the stridulation of Pirates stridulus; on the Cicadae; on the stridulating organs of the cricket; on Ephippiger vitium; on Pneumora; on the pugnacity of the Mantides; on Platyblemnus; on difference in the sexes of the Agrionidae; on the pugnacity of the males of a species of Tenthredinae; on the pugnacity of the male stag-beetle; on Bledius taurus and Siagonium; on lamellicorn beetles; on the coloration of Lithosia.

Why the males subsequently lost their horns, we know not; but this may have been caused through the principle of compensation, owing to the development of the large horns and projections on the lower surface; and as these are confined to the males, the rudiments of the upper horns on the females would not have been thus obliterated. Bledius taurus, magnified.