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But there he is and in a blazin' bad temper, too, by the looks of him! Shall I take you aft and introjuce you to him?" "Certainly," said I. "If we are to have any unpleasantness, let us have it at once, and get it over."

Why, Stephen, 's this you? Quite a femily-party, I declare fur't! Wai, Miss Ruggles, I got kind o' tired settin' in the dark, an', ez I looked out an' see the dips blazin' in yer winder, thinks I, I'll jest run up an' see w'at's ter pay." "Why, there's only one dip," says Lurindy. "Wal, thet's better 'n none," answered Miss Mimy.

I s'pose I got kind o' used to bein' cold an' tired; dressin' in a snowdrift where it blowed into the attic, an' goin' out to fodder cattle 'fore sun-up; pickin' up stun in the blazin' sun, an' doin' all the odd jobs my father set me to, an' the older ones shirked onto me. That was the reg'lar order o' things; but I remember I never did git used to never pleasin' nobody.

Poor Panuel Lovell kept gazing at us, and then said, 'It's cruel to let one woman kill herself for another; but when her as kills herself is a Romany, and t'other a Gorgie, it's what I calls a blazin' shame. She would do it, my poor chavi would do it. "No harm can't come on it," says she, "because a Gorgio cuss can't touch a Romany." An' now see what's come on it.

The far-off shores was too vivid a green to be true, and the high white clouds was the impossible kind that Maxfield Parrish puts on magazine covers. And, with that dazzlin' sun blazin' overhead it all made your eyes blink. Even the birds don't seem real. Not far from us was a row of these here pelicans foolish things with bills a yard long and so heavy they have to rest 'em on their necks.

Of course this statement required, as it was intended to require, elucidation, so Mick proceeded to announce: "It's himself's off to Fortbrack a-Monday, 'listin' he'll be in the Edenderry Light Infantry; so the next time we set eyes on him it's blazin' along the street we'll see him, like the boys we had here yisterday." "Ah! sure now, that'll be grand," said Mrs.

Why, I knew a man who seed him in his own camp prinked out in a velvet jacket and silk sash, with gold chains and buttons down his wide pants and a dagger stuck in his sash, with a handle just blazin' with jew'ls. Yes! Miss Atalanty, they say that one stone at the top a green stone, what they call an 'em'ral' was worth the price o' a 'Frisco house-lot. True ez you live! Eh what's up now?"

"No, Arch-ee, as Oke calls you, I won't; I'm quite content to look on, for your gun kicks like a Mexican mule. Besides, it's easy work to steer, and seeing you panting and toiling in the bow makes it seem all the easier. Just you keep blazin' away, old man. But, I say, where shall I steer to now? I'm tired o' steering among the reeds. Let us push out into the clear water."

He said he was shocked an' scandalized, an' didn't she have any regard for his honor an' decency, if she didn't for herself! An', oh, a whole lot more. "Cry? No, your ma didn't cry this time. I met her in the hall right after they got through talkin', an' she was white as a sheet, an' her eyes was like two blazin' stars. So I know how she must have looked while she was in the library.

They was perfeekly familiar with the accoomulation of cartridges in a Winchester, an' tharfore goes about the stirrin' up of Moon an' that nepby plumb wary. "Moon an' the boy goes in between the wagons, blazin' an' bangin' away at whatever moves or makes a noise; an' as they've been all through sech festivals before, they regyards their final chances to be as good as an even break, or better.