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Do not pray add insult to injury." Lupin said: "What do you mean by injury? I repeat, I have done no injury. Crowbillon is simply tired of a stagnant stick-in-the-mud firm, and made the change on his own account. I simply recommended the new firm as a matter of biz good old biz!"

"Am I to understand," inquired Miss Margaret, wonderingly, "that the permission to sit with one's feet on the rounds of a lady's chair is taken in New Canaan as an indication of her favor and even of her inclination to matrimony?" "It's looked to as meanin' gettin' down to BIZ!" the doctor affirmed. "Then," meekly, "I humbly apologize."

"I don't 'xpect I ever shall," he said, sadly, as soon as he had swallowed enough of the fish to admit of his speaking plainly. "I've offered to give ten cents, jest as I've got it there, if anybody will tell me where he is; but I don't hear nothin' of him." Ben and Mopsey sat for a few moments in silence, as if to better express their sympathy, and then the latter asked, "How's biz, Dick?"

He would come back, and soon no fear! to see how his invention was going. "Lordy! but that was a big bluff I put up!" sighed Earl Usher to Cupid, as he slid his watch into the little boy's hand. "If Tobias had taken me, I'd 'a' bin up a tree! Sure you can get off, sonny?" "Dead sure, for they'll be sendin' me out. They always do. I'll manage the biz for you." "Good Bud!

I suppose you think you know something about him." "Bet you I know all about him," affirmed Wallis. "He enlisted in the old Tenth as a common soldier. Before he had been a week in camp they found that he knew his biz, and they made him a Sergeant. Before we started for the field the Governor got his eye on him and shoved him into a Lieutenancy. The first battle h'isted him to a Captain.

When at last they came up to him, he made a second jump out of sight, as before and when they attempted to follow, they found a huge lizard lying across the path. Cap'n Bill thought it must be a giant alligator at first, it was so big, but he looked at them sleepily and did not seem at all dangerous. "O, Liz you puffy Liz Get out of our way and mind your biz," cried the parrot.

"Missie Jacky?" he would exclaim, in tones of surprise, to any one who dared to express wonder at her masterly management. "Guess a cyclone does its biz mighty thorough, but I take it ef that gal 'ud been born a hurricane she'd 'ave dislodged mountains an' played baseball with the glaciers." But this year things were different with the mistress of the Foss River Ranch.

And the second bang! whiz! he shot up to colonel right over the heads of everybody, line and field. Nobody in the Old Tenth grumbled. They saw that he knew his biz. I know all about him. What'll you bet?" "I'm not a betting man, Lieutenant, except in a friendly game of poker," sighed Old Grumps.

Now when the prince tore up the bond there was a great commotion, and some said, "Surely the Prince BULLEBOYE is drunken with wine;" and others, "He is possessed of an evil spirit;" and his friends expostulated with him, saying, "What thou hast done is not the custom of the bazaars, behold, it is not BIZ!" But to all the prince answered gravely, "It is right; on my own head be it!"

Drink to my l-l-luck, boys, and watch me!" The landlord filled their glasses once more, and low gurglings, smothered swallows, and loud smacking of lips filled the interim of interrupted conversation. "I say, Doc, that daughter of yours knows her biz when it comes to telling fortunes," ventured a young dandy, whose head had been turned by Pepeeta's beauty.