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"Oh-h, shucks!" He sighed and came suddenly out of his reverie, looked up at the sky, turned wearily inboard, and sat himself on one of the towing bitts. The passenger, from the other towing bitt, asked what it was.

Bitt told him, "that for this reason I cannot but regret that the excitement aroused should disappear with our issue of to- morrow. I mean, Mr. Howard, that for the reason I have named I do think it is almost our duty our duty, for the reason I have named to conceal the cat's recovery for er for a day or so." Mr. Bitt blew his nose violently to conceal his agitation.

"Plenty of time," 'Frisco Kid cautioned, shooting the Dazzler into the wind toward it and gradually losing headway. "Now!" Joe leaned over the side, grasped the trailing painter, and made it fast to the bitt. Then they tacked ship again and started on their way. Joe still felt ashamed for the trouble he had caused; but 'Frisco Kid quickly put him at ease. "Oh, that 's nothing," he said.

Seven sub-editors "spiked" it, three made of it a "fill-par.," one gave it a headline and sent it up as an eight-line "news-par."; one, in the offices of the Daily, read it, laughed; spoke to the news-editor; finally carried it up to Mr. Bitt. Mr. Bitt's journalistic nose gave one sniff. The thing was done.

"If it was summer now, or spring," she repeated to herself, just as if she had not been asleep at all like the man who fell into a trance for a hundred years just as he was saying "it is bitt " and when he woke up again finished the sentence as if nothing had happened "erly cold." "If only it was spring," thought Griselda. Just as she had got so far in her thoughts, she gave a great start.

"George!" he exclaimed, shaking me by the shoulder. "George! rouse and bitt, my lad; tumble out! The fog is clearing away, and the cap'n expects to make out the Indiaman at any moment, so it's `all hands'. Hurry up, my hearty!" "Ay, ay," grumbled I, only half awake; "I'll be up in a brace of shakes."

My closed fist brought up with a crash on the top of his big bullet head; for he was slow and groggy, and didn't duck low enough. However, it didn't hurt him, while the effect upon me was to break every small bone in my hand. It was like slugging a windlass bitt; for he leaned partly forward, and hardly budged under the blow.

After so long fastning, after so great paines that we had taken, finde ourselves so well by chossing our dyet, and resting when we had a minde to it, 'tis here that we must tast with pleasur a sweet bitt. We doe not aske for a good sauce; it's better to have it naturally; it is the way to distinguish the sweet from the bitter.

"Eight bells, there, sleepers; d'ye hear the news? Rouse and bitt, my hearties! Show a leg! Eight bells, Courtenay! and Keene says he will be much obliged if you will relieve him as soon as possible!"

Joe climbed over the cockpit-rail to the slippery after-deck, and made his way to the bitt to which the skiff was fastened. "Be careful," 'Frisco Kid warned, as a heavy puff struck the Dazzler and careened her dangerously over on her side. "Keep one turn round the bitt, and heave in on it when the painter slacks." It was ticklish work for a greenhorn.