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"My sweet wee lassie my bonnie, bonnie birdie!" said the tender-hearted old lady, who often treated her grand-niece as if she were a child. "If I had known sooner that poor Angus had left a daughter! My dearie, come back soon." "In a month, Auntie Flora." "A month seems long. At eighty years one should not boast of the morrow. That is why I will tell ye now what rests on my mind."

'Helloo-o! they'd say, 'whose little birdie have we here? And other remarks that hurt our feelings considerable. Jonesy, he said the fellers were a rank lot of barbarians. He said it to old Neighbour Case's face, and he and the old man came together like a pair of hens, for Jonesy had sand in spite of his faults, That was a fight worth travelling to see.

"Y'see, I ain't never used an iron much, to speak of. It's kind of awkward using an iron." Sunny nodded. Somehow he wished he knew something about using an iron. Birdie had said nothing about it. "Guess you hot it on the stove," he hazarded, after a moment's thought. "Yes, I'd say you hot it," agreed Scipio. "It's after that." "Yes." Sunny found himself thinking hard.

Birdie glided off to the kitchen. Authors are fond of the word "glide." But you can take it literally this time. Birdie had a face that looked like a huge mistake, but she walked like a panther, and they're said to be the last cry as gliders. She walked with her chin up and her hips firm. That comes from juggling trays. You have to walk like that to keep your nose out of the soup.

With numbed fingers on our horse's bridle and the animal striving to turn its head from the wind one feels resentful. At last all is ready. One says 'All right, Bowers, go ahead, and Birdie leads his big animal forward, starting, as he continues, at a steady pace. The horses have got cold and at the word they are off, the Soldier's and one or two others with a rush.

Allchops, squeezing her corpulence up to the end of the horsehair sofa, so as to make room for him between herself and the poetic barmaid. 'I'd sooner have a gentleman next to me nor a lady hany day of the week; so come and sit down, my birdie. But Charley, as he was about to accept the invitation of his friend Mrs. Allchops, caught Mrs.

But even as he opened the door, Birdie swayed forward and would have fallen to the floor, had he not caught her and laid her on the bed. Hastily lighting the lamp on the deal table by the window, he went back to the bed and loosened the neck of her dripping coat and then looked down at her helplessly.

Out of the crumbling ideals of his boyhood he had struggled to a foothold on life that had never been his in the old days. His marriage to Birdie Smelts had been the fiery furnace in which his soul had been softened to receive the final stamp of manhood. For his hour of indiscretion he had paid to the last ounce of his strength and courage.

It is remarkable how, in the midst of the most absorbing cares, one's attention may be fixed by some insignificant object, as mine was by the flight past the line of a bluebird, one of the brightest-plumaged of our feathered tribes, bearing a worm in his beak, breakfast for his callow brood. Birdie had been on the war path, and was carrying home spoil.

At cockcrow they set off again, but instead of cracking her nuts as she used to do, this time Kate plucked the feathers off and cooked the birdie. Soon there arose a very savoury smell. "Oh!" said the sick prince, "I wish I had a bite of that birdie," so Kate gave him a bite of the birdie, and he rose up on his elbow.