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We sat there and cussed and said, 'Now, why didn't we do this, that, and t'other thing instead of blowing our hard earned dough? till bimeby we just dripped melancholy, you might say. Howsomever, we weren't booked for a dull time just yet. That afternoon there was a great popping of whips like an Injun skirmish and into town comes a bull train half-a-mile long.

Bimeby I saw a lizard running down the root. When he got sight of me he stopped." "D n the lizard! What's that got to do with where she is now?" "Everything. That lizard had a piece of sugar in his mouth. Where did it come from? I made him drop it, and calculated he'd go back for more. He did. He scooted up that tree and slipped in under some hanging strips of bark.

And bimeby the poor plant got all wore out with the achin' and the mournin' and the missin' and she 'peared to feel her heart all a-dryin' up and stoppin', and her leaves turned yeller and wrinkled, and she was dead. She couldn't live on, ye see, without her little berry.

But I wunk at him, a real severe and warnin' wink, and he stopped short off, for all the world as if he had forgot bein' on his good behavior; he stopped short off, and went right to behavin', and sez he to me: "Don't put on your comforter to-day, Samantha, for Tirzah Ann and Whitfield and the babe are a-comin' over here bimeby, and Maggie is a-comin', and Thomas Jefferson."

"White man find Seff dead by ribber. White man act funny, much 'fraid. Bimeby find babby gone. White man much mad." He paused, picked up his musket which he had laid aside, and examined the priming. "Did you see them?" Jean asked. "A-ha-ha. Sam see'm. White man no see Sam." "Are they coming this way?" "A-ha-ha." "Will you shoot them?" "Sam shoot bimeby, mebbe. White man no ketch babby."

Long Hair rose at this, and said, "White chief send sojer to cabin, right way, bimeby, quick?" "Yes," replied the general, "and I should like to have you go with them as guide." "No," answered the Indian, sententiously; "Long Hair go 'lone; Long Hair always go 'lone;" and, starting at a quick pace, he was speedily out of sight.

"Dey wuz a great 'miration mongs' de niggers, en' somebody run off ter de big house fer ter tell Marse Dugal'. Bimeby here come Marse Dugal' hisse'f, mad as a hawnit, acussin' en' gwine on like he gwine ter hurt somebody; but anybody w'at look close could' 'a' seed he wuz 'mos' tickled ter def fer ter git Skundus back ergin.

No doubt she would understand in time. "Have you lived long in this place?" she asked. "Two, t'ree winter, mebbe." "Where do you live in the summer?" "Many place; Wá-sit-um-ó-wek; Wu-las-tukw; Beeg Lake, some tam." "Where is Big Lake?" "Way dere," and Kitty motioned westward. "Go dere bimeby." "You often meet white people, I suppose?" "A-ha-ha." "Do you and Sam always travel alone?

Bimeby eat supper," Peaceful invited pacifically, while Baumberger chuckled at the Indian's attitude, which he attributed to racial stupidity. Peppajee did not even indicate that he heard or, hearing, understood. "Bothered much with Injuns?" Baumberger asked carelessly, putting away his pipe. "I see there's quite a camp of 'em up on the hill. Hope you've got good watchdogs they're a thieving lot.

"Yearly in de mawnin' de niggers all swarm' up in de yard. Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole de niggers all fer ter he'p deyselves. "All de han's on de plantation come but Dave; en bimeby, w'en it seem lack he wa'n't comin', Mars Dugal' sont a nigger down ter de quarters ter look fer 'im.