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If it was only Bill's letter we had to go on, you might talk; but there, don't be a ijiot! 'If it turned out as he hadn't nothing, remarked Clem resolutely, 'I'd leave him, if I was married fifty times. Her mother uttered a contemptuous sound. At the same time she moved her head as if listening; some one was, in fact, descending the stairs. 'Here he comes, she whispered.

The presence of Virginia in their party had its influence in Bill's decision. In times past he had been willing enough to take a small measure of risk to his own life, but the life of every grizzly in the North could not pay for one jot of risk to hers.

"They're as like as two peas, him and 'is brother," said the night- watchman, gazing blandly at the indignant face of the lighterman on the barge below; "and the on'y way I know this one is Sam is because Bill don't use bad langwidge. Twins they are, but the likeness is only outside; Bill's 'art is as white as snow." He cut off a plug of tobacco, and, placing it in his cheek, waited expectantly.

I'll remember that you gave it to me. But I won't keep yer talisman. 'Ere, see " he made a pretence to spit on it "that's for luck. Barney Bill's luck, and good wishes." So Paul pocketed the heart again, immensely relieved by his friend's magnanimity, and the little sentimental episode was over.

The interest had aroused their expiring energies; and the journey was pursued by them with more animation than before. Bill's disappointment was not without some beneficial effect upon himself.

Carry on, laddie, carry on. Let's have two-penn'orth of the Dynamic Voice and the Tone of Authority some of the full, rich, round stuff we hear so much about!" Bill fastened a gimlet eye upon his brother-in-law and drew a deep breath. "Father!" he said. "Father!" "You'll have to brighten up Bill's dialogue a lot," said Lucille, critically, "or you will never get bookings." "Father!"

"Do you 'appen to notice your coat-pocket is all of a wriggle?" He put his 'and to Bill's pocket and took out a little green snake; then he put his 'and to Bill's trouser-pocket and took out a frog, while pore Bill's eyes looked as if they was corning out o' their sockets. "Keep still," ses the conjurer; "there's a lot more to come yet."

Silas Winch groaned agin, and Bill, as the shock 'ad made a'most sober, trembled all over. "The moment I died," ses Silas, "I thought of my promise towards you. 'Bill's expecting me, I ses, and, instead of staying in comfort at the bottom of the sea, I kicked off the body of the cabin-boy wot was clinging round my leg, and 'ere I am."

He stood looking past Bill at a drunken Irishman who was making erratic progress up the street; and he was no more conscious of the Irishman than he was of Bill's scorching condemnation of the town which could permit such outrages. "Watch Surry a minute!" he said abruptly, and hurried into the gambling hall. In a minute he was back again and lifting foot to the stirrup.

Knowin' Bill's language on sech occasions ain't what a church-member ort to hear, I was makin' it convenient to leave, when along come her, an' he choked off ez suddin ez a feller on the gallers." Day by day the boys dug dirt, and carried it to the creek, and washed out the precious gold; day by day the denizens of Tough Case worked as many hours and as industriously as men anywhere.