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Notwithstanding all their efforts, she was clearly water-logged, and sunk so low in the water that wave after wave broke over her decks, every now and then sweeping a man away to sure death in the raging sea. It seemed folly to attempt to launch lifeboats in such a furious sea, but the captain of the "Bienville" determined to make the attempt to save the men on the doomed "Winfield Scott."

In the degree to which masculine good looks and elegance are accessories to impressing a maid's heart, the Marquis de Bienville had reason to be sure of the effect he was producing, as he bent and kissed Miss Marion Grimston's hand, in her aunt's drawing-room, on the following afternoon.

"You remember," Derek continued, speaking with difficulty "you remember the story you told me on the voyage about a woman?" Bienville nodded. He had a sudden presentiment of what was coming. "I must tell you that on the night before I sailed for South America, three months ago, I asked that woman to be my wife."

So intent were we both that neither had seen Jacques leave us, nor had either heard the swift hoof beats of a horse upon the deadening sand, until the rider was full upon us. Bienville. Behind him, on foot, just emerging from the brush some distance away, Boisbriant and Jacques. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, put by your weapons. What does this mean?" He had flung himself from his horse and stood between.

Without loss of time he departed with Bienville, on January 16, 1700, and running up the river, he constructed a small fort, on the first solid ground which he met, and which is said to have been at a distance of fifty-four miles from its mouth. When so engaged, the two brothers one day saw a canoe rapidly sweeping down the river and approaching the spot where they stood.

Now, more than ever, in the sternness and decision of his countenance he resembled his famous brothers, Iberville, Sauvolle and Bienville and yet beyond them all he possessed the faculties of a courtier. "Captain, are you acquainted with the nature of these dispatches?" he asked directly. "No, sire, only in general, and from my knowledge of affairs at Biloxi."

Many were the gibes and high was the glee on that occasion; pointed were the jokes aimed at young Bienville on his being thus transformed into a matrimonial agent and pater familiae. The intentions of the King, however, were faithfully executed, and more than one rough but honest Canadian boatman of the St.

He might thus come into valuable hints and afterward cast them into the scale against Bienville, for every means good or bad would be used by them to save their own influence, to uplift the Duke of Maine. If Bienville were involved in the general ruin, why, what mattered it to them? While I remained hesitating for a word, Jerome's ready wit had already comprehended my purpose.

Bienville has the credit of getting rid of the Britons by telling the officer that he might easily judge how numerous and strong were his master's, the French King's, subjects, in that region, from seeing them on the river in small boats a piece of reasoning which was rather ingenious than ingenuous. It had its effect in sending away the Briton with "a flea in his ear."

Knowing this, he proceeded to an island opposite the village of the Tunicas, where he entrenched himself and invited a conference. Three spies were sent by the Natchez to reconnoitre; but they were baffled by Bienville with superior cunning.