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"Sin duda; it was from them she was taken." "When, and where? How, and by whom?" "Hola! hombre four questions at once! Muy bien! I can answer them, if you give me time. To the first, I should say about six months ago. To the second, near the Big Timbers, on the Arkansas.

Eh bien!" he added, with a sangfroid that caused some surprise, "I suppose I must make a die of it. Let me see the accursed thing that's going to condemn me!" As he said this, he held up the bag in his left hand, at the same time plunging his right into its dark interior. For some seconds he appeared, to grope about, as if he had some difficulty in finding the button.

He next inquired where I was going and what I had had for dinner; and then, without the least transition, 'C'est bien, he added, 'come along. And he and his son, without another word, turned off to the next chestnut- tree but one, which they set to pruning. The thing had passed of more simply than I hoped.

So do the actualities and the pastimes, the real and the imaginary drama, miraculously interfuse at Paris; the comedy of life is patent there, and often the spectator exclaims, "Arlequin avait bien arrange les choses, mais Colombine derange tout!"

Is it not a grandly simple thing, this telegraph of mine, Monsieur?" I was dazzled, perplexed, so entirely new, strange, incredible was all this to me; but I expressed to the little Frenchman, in what terms I could command, my profound sense of his genius and originality. "Eh, bien!

'I will have a vanilla ice, O well-beloved, and a wing of a tender chicken, a fried sole, and some excellent pea-soup. 'Bien, un potage, une sole, one chicken, and an ice. 'But why should you serve them in that order rather than in the order I gave you? Marie and the two Frenchwomen who were still in the room broke into exclamations at this extravagance, but Oliver Haddo waved his fat hand.

And so Gracian is quite right in saying that the only way to win affection from people is to show the most animal-like simplicity of demeanor para ser bien quisto, el unico medio vestirse la piel del mas simple de los brutos. Balthazar Graeian, Oraculo manual, y arte de prudencia, 240.

"I can't spare him, Jeannette, that is the real truth," said the captain: "but wait a little, in the meantime, here is a five-franc piece to add to your petite fortune." "Merci bien, monsieur le capitaine; bon voyage!" Jeannette held her finger up to Corbett, saying, with a smile, "mechant!" and then quitted the room.

It is for the most distinguished member of the company to unfold first his napkin and touch the food, and the rest should wait quietly, without laying hand on anything before he does. 105th. Chapter viii. 47. Ne vous fâchez iamais en table, quoy qu'il aduienne, ou bien si vous vous fâchez, n'ent faites point de semblant, principalement y ayant des estrangers

"Eh, bien! I shall not bother you with my experiments. In brief, let me give you only results, so as to be just comprehensible. Given my law, I had to find, first, the manner exactly in which snails manifest their sympathy, the one for the other, c'est