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He added that if the Prior had worn another coat, and were of quality equal to his own, he would have made him eat his words or a few inches of steel. In the same vehement terms he addressed a letter to Bien Aime himself.

"Mon ami, are you acquaint vid dis part of de country eh?" "Yes, I was born here, and know every inch of it." "Ah, c'est bien, dat vill do," and the Frenchman got out of the gig, tied the horse, and produced his lithographic map. "Den maybe you vill have de kindness to show me de sixty lot vich I have bought, vid de valuarble vatare privalege?" The farmer glanced his eye over the paper.

"Jacques," however, as his comrade had called him, did not seem much interested in the matter, merely shrugging his shoulders, implying that it was "none of his concern." "C'est bien," said he. "Pas mon affaire." The other, though, seemed more taken with the little craft, climbing up a couple of steps into the rigging in order to have a better look at her.

Vardri smiled scornfully, and slid down to the floor, his head resting against her knee. "Je suis bien content! What cool hands you have, and how still you keep. No other woman in the world was ever so restful. You love to be quiet, don't you? I know you better to-day than I ever did. You were always in the wrong atmosphere at the Hippodrome."

"Yes; but in the mean while you may get killed; and then of what service will your claim to a pension be?" "N'ayez pas peur, Madame Je me menagerai bien on ne se bat pas pour ces gueux la comme pour son Roi."* * "No fear of that, Madam I'll take good care of myself: a man does not fight for such beggarly rascals as these as he would for his King."

Eh bien, I have no better thought of him. He can put me under lock and key, but he shall not imprison my secrets; and, if they bore him, he should not read my letters. I read it thrice, and held it for a moment to my lips. Every word stung me with the sweet pain that afflicted its author. I could feel my cheeks burning. "Ma'm'selle, pardon me; it is not I she refers to. She does not say whom."

Why couldn't you have talked it over with me first, before cutting off every chance of going back. I'll be in tomorrow at the same time. "Bien a vous. "Would it disturb you if I played the piano a few minutes, Madame Rod?" Andrews found himself asking all at once. "No, go ahead. We'll come in later and listen to you."

"Ma foi, non Mam'selle Alide sleep! 'tis good symptôme, Monsieur Patteron, pour les jeunes personnes, to tres bien sleep. Monsieur, et toute la famille de Barbérie sleep

Ou bien, s'il cherche la gloire, c'est en Angleterre qu'il faut aller. C'est l'Angleterre, ou la France il n'y a que ces deux pays en Europe dans le monde."

I took it, and went into her little study; we sat down a moment; then I said, "Il me fait de bien de vous voir," and I am sure I said it with my whole heart, for it made me very happy to see such a woman, so large and so developed in character, and everything that is good in it so really good. I loved, shall always love her. She looked away, and said, "Ah! vous m'avez écrit une lettre charmante."