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Accordingly the good soul wrapped it in green baize; but to relieve his mind he was obliged to get behind his wife, and shrug his shoulders to Lysimachus and the eldest girl, as who should say voila bien une femme votre mere a vous! At last he was off, in high spirits. He reached Covent Garden at half-past ten, and there the poor fellow was sucked into our narrative whirlpool.

Forest is out in the motor, and has not yet returned," was the information this elicited. "How odd!" said Chris. "What had we better do?" Bertrand shrugged his shoulders, still looking quizzical. "We must not lunch without her, bien sûr. Let us go into the garden." They went into the garden, and walked for a space in the September sunshine.

Our steersman took off his old hat humbly, to hail back, "Muy bien, Señor." I breathed freely, for they gave us no more of their attention. Soldiers, alguazil, and custom-house officers were swarming aboard the American, as if bent on ransacking her from stem to stern in the shortest possible time, so as not to be late for the procession.

Eh bien, ma petite, you stay 'ere ontil you say what you lave done wiz ze box of Madame!" "Why do you say I have stolen the box?" protested Barbara, "when I tell you I know nothing of it. It was stolen from me by the man who killed my father. More than that I don't know.

Autrefois je passais des journees, des semaines, des mois entiers a ecrire, et pas tout-a-fait sans fruit, puisque Southey et Coleridge, deux de nos meilleurs auteurs, a qui j'ai envoye certains manuscrits, en ont bien voulu temoigner leur approbation; mais a present, j'ai la vue trop faible; si j'ecrivais beaueoup je deviendrais aveugle.

"Monsieur," said he, with admiration in his tone, "it is magnificent. It shall be done. I sleep like the good dead under the trees, not too near the lilacs, eh? Bien, Monsieur, it is done!" Into his trembling claw he took the notes; he made an odd bow and shambled away about his business. Ste. Marie laughed and went on into the house. He counted, and there were fourteen hours to wait.

Good!" And as sure as he seemed to be struck with this statement of a self-evident fact, he would, in the next few minutes, bring the numeral "nineteen" tant bien que mal into his conversation. "With nineteen days of sun, the vintage will be upon us," he would say; or, "I have but nineteen kilometres more of road before me to-day."

The modern French school, that has arisen in this century under the combined influence of the Scotch and the German philosophy, has bestowed some attention on Ethics. We end by noticing under it Cousin and Jouffroy. The analysis of Cousin's ethical views is made upon his historical lectures Sur les Idees du Vrai, du Beau et du Bien, as delivered in 1817-18.

Elodie could not eat. Food stuck in her throat; she could only talk interminably of the outrage. The little fat director made his escape as soon as he had eaten the last mouthful of dinner. "Eh bien," said Elodie, as they were driving home to the Faubourg Saint-Denis, "and is it all fixed up, the Paris contract?" "My dear," replied Andrew gently, "you gave us little chance to discuss it."

For instance, he said to me yesterday, when he saw a man pass with an old coat on, 'il y a la un habit bien examine. He once said to me, when he meant to express that a thing was probable, 'il y a gros'; I am told this is a saying of the common people, meaning, 'il y a gros a parier'." I took the liberty to say, "But is it not more likely from his young ladies at the Parc, that he learns these elegant expressions?"