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The whole Court applauded wildly, like soldiers at a theatre, and the Judge began to say what he thought. Biel came out of the Court, and Strickland dropped a gut trainer's-whip in the veranda. Ten minutes later, Biel was cutting Bronckhorst into ribbons behind the old Court cells, quietly and without scandal.

Biel said politely to Bronckhorst: "Your witnesses don't seem to work. Haven't you any forged letters to produce?" But Bronckhorst was swaying to and fro in his chair, and there was a dead pause after Biel had been called to order.

"Now lend me fifty rupees," said Strickland, "and give me your Words of Honor that you won't tell my Wife." He got all that he asked for, and left the house while the table drank his health. What he did only he himself knows. A faquir hung about Bronckhorst's compound for twelve days. Then a mehter appeared, and when Biel heard of HIM, he said that Strickland was an angel full-fledged.

What Biel wants to know is: "Why didn't I press home the charge against the Bronckhorst-brute, and have him run in?" What Mrs. Strickland wants to know is: "How DID my husband bring such a lovely, lovely Waler from your Station? I know ALL his money-affairs; and I'm CERTAIN he didn't BUY it." What I want to know is: "How do women like Mrs. Bronckhorst come to marry men like Bronckhorst?"

Biel of Tubingen, 'the last of the Schoolmen', lived till 1495. Between 1501 and 1515 a single printer, Wolff of Basle, produced five massive volumes of the Summae of mediaeval Doctors. Through the greater part, therefore, of Erasmus' life the upholders of the old systems and ideals, firmly entrenched by virtue of possession, succeeded in maintaining their supremacy in the schools.

'Tell your lawyer-fool, whoever he is, to get up something strong about "inherent improbabilities" and "discrepancies of evidence". He won't have to speak, but it will make him happy, I'm going to run this business. Biel held his tongue, and the other men waited to see what would happen. They trusted Strickland as men trust quiet men. When the case came off the Court was crowded.

This is practically saying that cambium may be carried on under the same conditions as any other species of commerce. Biel says that cambium is only legitimate if the campsor has the motive of keeping up a family or benefiting the State, and that the contract may become usurious if the gain is not fair and moderate.

Bronckhorst would go, trying to carry it all off with a smile; and the guest of the evening would feel angry and uncomfortable. After three years of this cheerful life for Mrs. Bronckhorst had no women-friends to talk to the station was startled by the news that Bronckhorst had instituted proceedings on the criminal count, against a man called Biel, who certainly had been rather attentive to Mrs.

In the beginning of the year, when I came to Zurich, no one yet knew anything of Luther, except that a book was published by him on indulgences, but it taught me little, for I had already been instructed concerning the fraud of indulgences by a disputation, which my beloved teacher, Thomas Wittenbach of Biel, held at Basel, although during my absence.

There was uproar and shouting, and Biel said: "How are you going to prove it? You can't say that you've been trespassing on Bronckhorst's compound in disguise!" "No," said Strickland. "Tell your lawyer-fool, whoever he is, to get up something strong about 'inherent improbabilities' and 'discrepancies of evidence. He won't have to speak, but it will make him happy. I'M going to run this business."