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Paul bids us to regard these intimacies of life, whatever tends to profane or degrade the sacraments of wedded love, is so far an evil. But this is emphatically a matter in which every man and woman must judge for themselves, and must refrain from judging others. In every modern civilised country population is restricted partly by the deliberate postponement of marriage.

One friend of mine goes bowed and humbled through life under the weight of this misfortune; for it is an awful thing when a man's name is a joke, when he cannot be mentioned without exciting merriment, and when even the intimation of his death bids fair to carry laughter into many a home. So much for people who are badly named.

To Queen Victoria He, during that same period, addressed an Epistle in which He calls upon her to incline her ear to the voice of her Lord, the Lord of all mankind; bids hercast away all that is on earth,” and set her heart towards her Lord, the Ancient of Days; asserts thatall that hath been mentioned in the Gospel hath been fulfilled”; assures her that God would reward her for havingforbidden the trading in slaves,” were she to follow what has been sent unto her by Him; commends her for havingentrusted the reins of counsel into the hands of the representatives of the people”; and exhorts them toregard themselves as the representatives of all that dwell on earth,” and to judge between men withpure justice.”

"I served one out, brother; and my wife and childer helped to wipe off a little of the score. We had stopped on a nice green, near a village over the hills in Glamorganshire, when up comes a Hindity family, and bids us take ourselves off. Now it so happened that there was but one man and a woman and some childer, so I laughed, and told them to drive us off.

"Twenty aurei! no one bids more no one no " "I'll give thirty aurei!" It was a pure, young voice that spoke, the voice of a young girl, mellow and soft-toned as those of a pigeon when it cooes to its mate; but firm withal, direct and clear, the voice of one accustomed to command and even more accustomed to be obeyed.

Why doth the locked bolt close the folding-gates? For it is now the third cry, Bjarke, that calls thee, and bids thee come forth from the barred room." Bjarke rejoined: "Warlike Hjalte, why dost thou call me so loud? I am the son-in-law of Rolf.

"And Paul bids Timothy, `Fight the good fight of faith; and in another place he says, `That thou mayest war a good warfare; which is better authority than your poet, Violet." "Yes, and when he was an old man Paul, I mean he said, `I have fought the good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith."

Probably it answered to that instinct in animals which bids them get away alone when wounded or attacked by disease; and with me it had the fuller play as the pain prevailed rather by paroxysms, than in permanence, and, coming and going, allowed intervals of ease, in which I was able to think clearly and consecutively, and even to sit firmly in the saddle.

Stock-breeding and the care of animals is rapidly becoming a science. Farming bids fair soon to become one of the skilled occupations. Such, then, is a brief view of the situation of which the rural school is a part. It ministers to the education of almost half of the American people.

In the course of their conversation, a servant came and announced 'that the gentleman who lived in the Hsing Lung Street had come. "Our master," he added, "bids you, Mr. Secundus, come out and greet him." As soon as Pao-yue heard this announcement, he knew that Chia Yue-ts'un must have arrived. But he felt very unhappy at heart. Hsi Jen hurried to go and bring his clothes.