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For naked of lands and gear I came to you a prince's daughter very long ago, and as nakedly I now depart, so that I may retain the right to say, 'All my life long I served my love of her according to my abilities, wholeheartedly and with clean hands." "Yes, yes! you must depart from Venaissin," said Dona Biatritz.

Ho, maker of world-famous songs! stout champion of the faith! my men and I will now make you Prince of Orange in place of the fiend who rules us. You may then at your convenience wed Madona Biatritz, that most amiable lady whom you have loved so long. And by the Cross! you may do this before the week is out."

Then he talked with her concerning the aforementioned infamous emperor of the East, against whom the old knight had fought, and of Enrico Dandolo and of King Boniface, dead brother to Madona Biatritz, and of much remote, outlandish adventuring oversea. Of Zoraida he did not speak.

Yes, yes, I have witnessed divers happenings, for I am old. . . . I have found nothing which can serve me in place of honor." He turned to Dona Biatritz. It was as if they were alone. "Belhs Cavaliers," he said, "I had sworn fealty to this Guillaume. He violated his obligations; but that did not free me of mine. An oath is an oath.

She said: "This week the Prince sent envoys to my nephew. . . . And so you have come home again " Color had surged into her time-worn face, and as she thought of things done long ago this woman's eyes were like the eyes of his young Biatritz. She said: "You never married?" He answered: "No, I have left love alone.

"For instance, do you understand that I hold Biatritz here as a prisoner, because her dower-lands are necessary to me, and that I intend to marry her as soon as Pope Innocent grants me a dispensation?" "All Venaissin knows that. Yes, you have always gained everything which you desired in this world, Guillaume. Yet it was at a price, I think."

Then while we struggled in the moonlight your Makrisi came and stabbed him " "Nay, I but fetched this knife, messire." Makrisi seemed to love that bloodied knife. Biatritz proudly said: "The man lies, Raimbaut." "What need to tell me that, Belhs Cavaliers?" And the Saracen shrugged. "It is very true I lie," he said. "As among friends, I may confess I killed the Prince.

"Ah, pity me, tried champion, for even now I am almost afraid to die." She leaned against the window yonder, shuddering, staring into the night. Dawn had purged the east of stars. Day was at hand, the day whose noon she might not hope to witness. She noted this incuriously. Then Biatritz came to him, very strangely proud, and yet all tenderness.

Biatritz said, "It is a long while since we two met." He that had been her lover all his life said, "Yes." She was no longer the most beautiful of women, no longer his be-hymned Belhs Cavaliers you may read elsewhere how he came to call her that in all his canzons but only a fine and gracious stranger.

Oh yes, assuredly they will thrust a hollow cane into the mouth of your Biatritz, and they will pour water a little by a little through this cane, until she confesses what they desire. Ha, Philibert will see to this confession! And through this woman's torment he will rid himself of every dangerous foe he has in Venaissin. You must stand by and wait your turn.