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The knave was singing blithely: Pus mos Belhs Cavaliers grazitz E joys m'es lunhatz e faiditz, Don no m' venra jamais conortz; Fer qu'ees mayer l'ira e plus fortz The Saracen had said nothing. He showed a jeweled dagger, and the knight arose and followed him out of that uproarious hall.

Raimbaut foresaw what he must do. He clutched the dagger which Makrisi fondled. "Belhs Cavaliers, this fellow speaks the truth. Look now, the moon is old is it not strange to know it will outlive us?" And Biatritz came close to Sire Raimbaut and said: "I understand.

Biatritz said, "It is a long while since we two met." He that had been her lover all his life said, "Yes." She was no longer the most beautiful of women, no longer his be-hymned Belhs Cavaliers you may read elsewhere how he came to call her that in all his canzons but only a fine and gracious stranger.

I must, therefore, relinquish Vaquieras and take eternal leave of Venaissin. I will not lose the right to call myself your servant!" he cried out "and that which is noblest in the world must be served fittingly. And so, Belhs Cavaliers, let us touch palms and bid farewell, and never in this life speak face to face of trivial happenings which we two alone remember.

Then while we struggled in the moonlight your Makrisi came and stabbed him " "Nay, I but fetched this knife, messire." Makrisi seemed to love that bloodied knife. Biatritz proudly said: "The man lies, Raimbaut." "What need to tell me that, Belhs Cavaliers?" And the Saracen shrugged. "It is very true I lie," he said. "As among friends, I may confess I killed the Prince.

Philibert was drunk, and half the men-at-arms were snoring among the rushes, when at the height of their festivity Makrisi came. He plucked his master by the sleeve. A swarthy, bearded Angevin was singing. His song was one of old Sire Raimbaut's famous canzons in honor of Belhs Cavaliers.

"Belhs Cavaliers, I grudged my enemies the pleasure of seeing me forgetful of valor and noble enterprises. And so, since then, I have served Heaven, in default of you." "I would not have it otherwise," she said, half as in wonder; "I would not have you be quite sane like other men.

Yes, yes, I have witnessed divers happenings, for I am old. . . . I have found nothing which can serve me in place of honor." He turned to Dona Biatritz. It was as if they were alone. "Belhs Cavaliers," he said, "I had sworn fealty to this Guillaume. He violated his obligations; but that did not free me of mine. An oath is an oath.

Nay, very certainly this Guillaume de Baux will rise and laugh in his old fashion before he speaks, and then I shall be afraid. But I am not afraid as yet. I am afraid of nothing save the dark, for one cannot be merry in the dark." Raimbaut said: "This is Belhs Cavaliers whom I have loved my whole life through. Therefore I do not doubt.