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Together they drew rein upon the low ridge and looked down into that valley of death from which even now the reek of blood seems to rise. Down beside that sinister lake and amid those scattered bushes sprinkled over the naked flank of the long ridge was fought that long-drawn struggle betwixt two most noble foes with broad England as the prize of victory.

I desire not the reader should take my word, and therefore I will set two of their discourses on the same subject, in the same light, for every man to judge betwixt them. I translated Chaucer first, and amongst the rest pitched on the Wife of Bath's tale not daring, as I have said, to adventure on her prologue, because it is too licentious.

"Search me," he answered, lounging into a seat. "Ain't no chance betwixt here and Danville as I knows on." Zora viewed her plight with a certain dismay twelve hours without food! How foolish of her not to have thought of this. The hours passed. She turned desperately to the gruff conductor. "Could I buy a lunch from the dining-car?" she inquired. "No," was the curt reply.

"Well," she continued, "it struck me then and there, like a streak o' lightnin'; I screeched and tumbled like a shot hawk, and so betwixt the saddle and the ground, as the sayin' is, it come to me not mercy, but knowledge, all the same, you know what I mean; and I saw them was Alf.

Dabby was the second lady of great rank whom Jeanie had seen in London, she used sometimes afterwards to draw a parallel betwixt her and the Queen, in which she observed, "that Mrs.

"Surely," said the clergyman; "it was a house of removal for the monks of Abingdon." "Whose arms," said Master Michael, "I have seen over a stone chimney in the hall, a cross patonce betwixt four martlets." "There," said Tressilian, "this unhappy maiden resides, in company with the villain Varney.

This declaration was no sooner made, than a certain lady of quality bespoke the refuse of the jewel, and desired Ferdinand to send the owner next day to her house, where he accordingly waited upon her ladyship with the ring, for which he received one hundred and fifty guineas, two-thirds of the sum being clear gain, and equally divided betwixt the associates.

But to learn what this friendship is, throw a bit of meat between them, and you will see. Do you too throw a bit of an estate betwixt you and your son, and you will see that he will quickly wish you under ground, and you him; and then you, no doubt, on the other hand will exclaim, What a son have I brought up! He would bury me alive!

"These things," he said, "I recall not in bitterness, so far as they are personal to me I recall them not in spite of heart, though they have been the means of banishing me from my place of residence, where my fathers dwelt, and where my earthly comforts lie interred. But the public cause sets further strife betwixt your father and me. Who so active as he to execute the fatal edict of black St.

The huge feather bed was a tangible comfort interposed betwixt herself and calamity. "He was sulky to-night," she declared. "He has gone up to sleep in Michel's attic to frighten me." "I have been there. I have searched the house." "But are you sure it was Michel in the bed?" "There was no one. Michel is here."