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Tell me, have you ever been ill in this way before? 'Yes, last summer, only not so bad. But I had the pain and the sleeplessness then. Giles was so good to me. He said I wanted change, and he took a little cottage at Westgate-on-Sea and sent me down with Lady Betty and Chatty, and I soon got all right. 'So I thought. And now 'Oh, it is different this time, she replied nervously.

The window was small and the light dim. A white-haired old woman was warming her hands and crooning over a wood fire. "Eh, mother," cried Betty, "I've brought someone to sing to ye. 'Lodgin' on the Cold Ground, do ye remember that old ditty?" "Do I mind it? Why, to be sure. But who sings it now-a-days? Nobody."

What happened at last they two knew alone, but it was something that caused Betty to become very angry, and to speak of Peter to her friends as a cold-blooded lout who thought only of work and gain. The episode was passing, and soon forgotten by the lady in the press of other affairs; but the respect remained.

Lady Mary's tired white face had set into an almost mechanical smile, but as her eyes met Betty's they illumined with sudden interest and her hard- worked muscles relaxed. "You are Betty Madison!" she exclaimed. And as the two girls shook hands they conceived one of those sudden and violent friendships which are so full of interest while they last.

As usual with all requests involving anything more than an immediate physical indulgence, I promised to refer the matter to Mr. , but expressed some surprise that Betty, now by no means a young woman, should have postponed a ceremony which the religious among the slaves are apt to attach much importance to.

"You'll be telling me that I'm responsible for the way you recite next." "Well, you are, partly," laughed Eleanor, turning off to the Hilton. Betty went up-stairs behind two strange girls who were evidently expecting to be in the Belden House next year. "Of course the fourth floor is a long way up," one was saying, "and I suppose it's hot sometimes.

And Madame Marneffe had unconsciously given weight to the scandal by the care she took of her friend, with matrimonial views, which were, as will be seen, to complete Lisbeth's revenge. An immense change had taken place in Cousin Betty; and Valerie, who wanted to smarten her, had turned it to the best account.

A few moments more and the bridge was drawn back, and Paul Bevan was borne into the hut, amid a scattering fire from the assailants, which, however, did no damage. To the surprise and consternation of Tolly, who entered first, Betty was found sitting on a chair with blood trickling from her left arm.

"You," cried Amy incredulously, looking at the flushed face and shining eyes. "You'll never need to be jealous of anybody in your life Betty Nelson and especially of me," she added modestly. Betty laughed and hugged her again. "Girls, it's getting late," she said suddenly, with another of her swift changes of subject. "I guess perhaps it's time we were starting back.

"I believe you are happy, for I know you love Isaac dearly." "Myeerah has always loved him. She will love his sister." "And I will love you," said Betty. "I will love you because you have saved him. Ah! Myeerah, yours has been wonderful, wonderful love." "My sister is loved," whispered Myeerah. "Myeerah saw the look in the eyes of the great hunter. It was the sad light of the moon on the water.