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Any change for me must now be for the betther; at all events it can hardly be for the worse. No; my happiness is gone." "What in Heaven's name is the matther with you?" asked her father; "an' what brings the big tears into your eyes that way?" "Good-bye," said she; and as she spoke, a melancholy smile at once sad and brilliant irradiated her features.

Your mother, Martin, had betther not disregard that notice. Good morning, Miss Lynch: good morning, Mrs Kelly; good morning, Martin;" and Daly took up his hat, and left the room. "Good morning to you, Mr Daly," said Martin: "as I've said before, I'm sorry to see you've taken to this line of business."

"No, indeed, Rosha," he replied, "I know my duty to God and my childre' betther than to turn them against one another; but it's only a proof of how little you know about Edward and his warm and lovin' heart, when you spake as you do." This indeed was true. Edward Burke was but a short time at home when he saw clearly how matters stood in the family.

Brooke had listened thoughtfully to all that had thus far been said. The Carlist chief was a puzzle to him, but he saw that there was talk of holding to ransom, which to him had an ugly sound. "Sir," said he, "are we to be kept prisoners in this tower?" "This tower, is it?" said "His Majesty." "Begorra, I hope not. There's another tower a dale betther nor this.

"I hope I'll soon have a betther," said Andy, a little piqued, with all his reverence for the heiress, at this allusion to his poverty. "But sure it wasn't the coat you married, but the man that's in it; and sure I'll take off my clothes as soon as you please, Matty, my dear Miss Dwyer, I mane I beg your pardon." "You had better wait till you get better," answered Matty, very drily.

H . There's nothing like taking these things in time. Poor Una! God knows this trial is a sore one upon a heart so, faithful and affectionate as hers." "John, had you not betther ait something before you go?" said his father; "you want it afther the troublesome day you had." "No, no," replied the son; "I cannot I cannot; I will neither eat nor drink till I hear what the doctor will say about her.

"Why sure," said Ned, with a tremor in his voice, "I can speak to it where I am, widout going within rache of it. Boys, stand close to me: hem In the name of but don't you think I had betther spake to it in the Latin I sarve mass* wid; it can't but answer that, for the sowl of it, seeing it's a blest language?"

"I don't at all doubt," replied this honest and manly peasant, "that he is a villain; but at the same time, Shawn, you must remember that I am not a tory, and that I will neither aid nor assist you in your designs of murdher upon him. I received betther principles from my father and the mother who bore me; and indeed I think the same thing may be said of yourself, Shawn.

'Yes, he had put me on a thrain put me, palanquin an' all, an' six black assassins av his own coolies that was in his nefarious confidence, on the flat av a ballast-thruck, and we were rowlin' an' bowlin' along to Benares. Glory be that I did not wake up thin an' introjuce mysilf to the coolies. As I was sayin', I slept for the betther part av a day an' a night.

But this wasn't all, for the snow kem so thick that it was impassible to get along the roads at all at all; an' faix, instead iv gettin' betther, next mornin' it was only tin times worse; so Jim had jist to take it asy, an' stay wid his uncle antil such times as the snow id melt.