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Marechal de Saxe, after his victory at Lauffeld, 2d July, did not besiege Maestricht, as had been the universal expectation; but shot off an efficient lieutenant of his, one Lowendahl, in due force, privately ready, to overwhelm Bergen-op-Zoom with sudden Siege, while he himself lay between the beaten enemy and it.

Equation between the contending powers Treaty of peace between King James and the archdukes and the King of Spain Position of the Provinces States envoy in England to be styled ambassador Protest of the Spanish ambassador Effect of James's peace-treaty on the people of England Public rejoicings for the victory at Sluys Spinola appointed commander-in-chief of the Spanish forces Preparations for a campaign against the States Seizure of Dutch cruisers International discord Destruction of Sarmiento's fleet by Admiral Haultain Projected enterprise against Antwerp Descent of Spinola on the Netherland frontier Oldenzaal and Lingen taken Movements of Prince Maurice Encounter of the two armies Panic of the Netherlanders Consequent loss and disgrace Wachtendonk and Cracow taken by Spinola Spinola's reception in Spain Effect of his victories Results of the struggle between Freedom and Absolutism Affairs in the East Amboyna taken by Van der Hagen Contest for possession of the Clove Islands Commercial treaty between the States and the King of Ternate Hostilities between the Kings of Ternate and Tydor Expulsion of the Portuguese from the Moluccas Du Terrail's attempted assault on Bergen-op-Zoom Attack on the Dunkirk pirate fleet Practice of executing prisoners captured at sea.

At this juncture, proposals for a suspension of hostilities were willingly entertained by both nations, and after protracted negotiations, a truce of twelve years was signed in Bergen-op-Zoom, April 9, 1609. In it the absolute independence of the United Provinces was recognized.

He was also a strong Leicestrian, and had imbibed much of the Earl's resentment against the leading politicians of the States. Willoughby was sorely in need of council. That shrewd and honest Welshman Roger Williams was, for the moment, absent. Another of the same race and character commanded in Bergen-op-Zoom, but was not more gifted with administrative talent than the general himself.

Here they long waited in vain for a master willing to purchase their services; till the Dutch, pressed by the Spanish General Spinola, offered to take them into pay. After a bloody fight at Fleurus with the Spaniards, who attempted to intercept them, they reached Holland, where their appearance compelled the Spanish general forthwith to raise the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom.

Returning to England, he was sent to Holland, with an independent command; and though his forces were few, so little had his fire been dulled by time, that he carried the great fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom by storm, but only to lose it again, with more than two thousand men, because of the sense and gallantry of the French General Bezanet, who, like our Rosecrans at Murfreesboro', would not accept defeat under any circumstances.

The castle of Wauw, within a league of Bergen-op-Zoom, which had been entrusted to one Le Marchand, a Frenchman in the service of the republic, was delivered by him to Parma for 16,000 florins. "'Tis a very important post," said the Duke, "and the money was well laid out." The loss of the city of Gelder, capital of the Province of the same name, took place in the summer.

Marquis Spinola, Don Juan de Mancicidor, private secretary to the King of Spain, President Richardot, Auditor Verreyken, and Brother John Neyen a Genoese, a Spaniard, a Burgundian, a Fleming, and a Franciscan friar travelling in great state, with a long train of carriages, horses, lackeys, cooks, and secretaries, by way of Breda, Bergen-op-Zoom,

It was a more important acquisition to Alexander than even Bergen-op-Zoom would have been, and it was a bitter reflection that to the treachery of Netherlanders and of their English allies this great disaster was owing. All the wrath aroused a year before by the famous treason of York and Stanley, and which had been successfully extinguished, now flamed forth afresh.

"Although," said he, "the Queen might justly require that the cessation should be general for all the King's dominion, yet in order not to stand on precise points, she is content that it should extend no further than to the towns of Flushing; Brief, Ostend, and Bergen-op-Zoom." "To this he said nothing," wrote the envoy, "and so I went no further."