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They're here at the Gadsden Purchase. Bell Applegate is sick seems to be indigestion; Espalin is having a nervous spell; and Ben Creagan is bleeding from his happiest vein. You'd better come see to 'em. Good-by!" Pringle smiled benevolently from the door. "There! I almost forgot to tell you boys. We disapprove of your actions oh-very-much!

Clarence stood by the door, with his fine countenance smiling benevolently at the happiness he beheld, and congratulating himself that for one moment the group had forgot that he was a stranger.

This unanimous and spontaneous sympathy assumed at times the most touching and unexpected forms. All difficulties were smoothed away before us as by magic; the sternest prohibitions were ingeniously evaded or benevolently removed.

"Well, and you, Captain," said Lenaieff: "Have you not also trodden the primrose path in your time?" "Gentlemen, I never have loved any other woman than my own wife," replied the honest German, laying his large hand upon his heart, as if he were taking an oath. "That astonishes you Parisians, eh?" he added benevolently. "Quite the contrary! It assures us peace of mind!" said Lenaieff.

In the midst of his conclusion, however, he lost his self-satisfied smile: he had caught sight of Lilla, who was looking at him blankly as though he had slammed a transparent door in her face. She heard Brantome benevolently murmuring the platitude: "It is often in making others forget their sorrows that one diminishes one's own, and in doing good to others that one finds good for oneself."

I went to call on Sir Sedley Beaudesert. I had always longed to sound him on one subject, and had never dared. This time I resolved to pluck up courage. "Ah, my young friend!" said he, rising from the contemplation of a villanous picture by a young artist, which he had just benevolently purchased, "I was thinking of you this morning.

The lawyer even laid his hand on the Angel's shoulder. He should have known better than that. "My dear fellow," he said, benevolently. "You are liable for the whole year's rent until next October. You will see by your lease." Aubrey shook his hand off haughtily. "Provided the lease is signed," he said, quietly. "Will you gentlemen have the goodness to find my signature on this lease?

At this moment the stumping of a wooden leg was heard, and those in the audience saw appear a man on crutches, with one arm in a sling and a bandage over an eye, although he beamed upon them benevolently with the other. "Fellow Anarchists," said Simkins, "allow me to introduce to you Professor Josiah P. Slivers, of the United States." The Professor bowed and the audience applauded.

Thorndyke smiled benevolently and caught my eye, once more, with a gleam of amusement. "Sit down, Mr. Winwood," he said quietly. "You came here to learn the facts of the case, and I am giving them to you. Please don't interrupt needlessly and waste time."

He felt that he preferred stout women to thin; and that, without being aware of it, he had always preferred stout women to thin. It was a question of taste. He certainly preferred Mrs. Prockter to Sarah Swetnam. Mrs. Prockter's smile was the smile of a benevolently cynical creature whose studies in human nature had reached the advanced stage.