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I can scarcely commence telling you of all the benefits he bestows on His people." "What must we do, Fanny?" inquired Annie. "The first thing of all, dear Annie," she replied, "is to go to the Savior, at His feet ask for repentance and true faith in Him. Consecrate yourself to Him, and resolve that you will from this time serve the Lord.

I would also suggest a review of the pension law, for the purpose of extending its benefits to every Revolutionary soldier who aided in establishing our liberties, and who is unable to maintain himself in comfort. These relics of the War of Independence have strong claims upon their country's gratitude and bounty.

But it is not to us, the inhabitants of this globe, only, that the benefits arising from a plurality of worlds are limited. The inhabitants of each of the worlds of which our system is composed, enjoy the same opportunities of knowledge as we do. They behold the revolutionary motions of our earth, as we behold theirs.

The king's stratagem had thus come to grief, and Eugene left the royal presence with flying colors. He was not under the necessity of accepting benefits from the King of France, for his step-father, the King of Bavaria, made Eugene a prince of the royal house of Bavaria, and created for him the duchy of Leuchtenberg.

The popular feeling in favor of granting aid to the Greeks soon began to be general and intense. Balls were held and benefits given to raise funds for their relief, and sermons and orations delivered in their behalf, in many parts of the United States. "On this subject," Mr.

Examples of the special work of cells are found in the production of motion by muscle cells and in the secretion of liquids by gland cells. It may be noted that while the general work of cells benefits them individually, their special work benefits the body as a whole. Another example of the special work of cells is found in the

It is conceivable that there may be a discrepancy between the two amounts, and it might be interesting to learn whether he alone benefits by it. Guards walk up and down the aisles between the tables, during meals, to keep order and also to attend to complaints or requests from prisoners.

Christ! there was nothing but Christ that was before my eyes, I was not now only for looking upon this and the other benefits of Christ apart, as of his blood, burial, or resurrection, but considered him as a whole Christ! As he in whom all these, and all other his virtues, relations, offices, and operations met together, and that 'as he sat' on the right hand of God in heaven.

The Captain saw no more of him during his stay in Charleston, and if his influence was exerted in Manuel's behalf, he did not feel its benefits. Business had so occupied the Captain's attention during the day, that he had no time to visit Manuel at the jail; and when he returned to the vessel, a message awaited him from the British consul.

Yet the benefits of this institution, to refine the temper of Barbarians, and to infuse some principles of faith, justice, and humanity, were strongly felt, and have been often observed. The asperity of national prejudice was softened; and the community of religion and arms spread a similar color and generous emulation over the face of Christendom.