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But it was when he found that two "beneficed Ministers," Casaubon and Glanvill, had "afresh espoused so bad a cause" that he had been impelled to review their grounds. As the reader may already have guessed, Webster, like so many of his predecessors, dealt largely in theological and scriptural arguments.

If you say 'Yes, you pay your half-guinea, and get him. He is generally a grave old gentleman like myself, and much resembles a beneficed clergyman. He stands behind your chair throughout the feast, and delicately suggests what it is best for you to eat, to drink, and to avoid.

"Irreverence ill becomes a beneficed clergyman, Mr. Bevis," said Mrs. Ramshorn who very consistently regarded any practical reference to our Lord as irrelevant, thence naturally as irreverent. "And, by Jove!" added the rector, heedless of her remark, and tumbling back into an old college-habit, "I fear he is in the right; and if he is, it will go hard with you and me at the last day, Mrs.

In the Western Lowlands, the beneficed clergy had been so effectually rabbled, that scarcely one of them had remained at his post.

It has been called "trash," "muck," "dunghill excrement," by grave authors. The love of it is denounced in all Sacred Writings; we find it reprehended on Chaldean bricks, and in the earliest papyri. Buddha, Confucius, Christ, set their faces against it; and they have been followed in more modern times by beneficed Clergymen, Sunday School Teachers, and the leaders of the Higher Thought.

Earum beneficiarii non domini sunt sed dispensatores. After voluminous evidence from all the centuries, he holds it superfluously plain that all beneficed men are 'mere dispensers and administrators, not proprietors nor even possessors, of what is truly the patrimony of the poor, and what is held as trustee for the indigent by Christ Himself; so much so, that when this property of the poor is diverted to support a bishop or other dignitary, he is not entitled to enjoy his house, table, or garments, unless these have a certain suggestion and savour of destitution necesse est paupertatis odore aliquo perfundi.

He takes not a ducat away from the revenues of her beneficed clergy. He lives by the alms of those who respect his spiritual character, and are grateful for his instructions. He preaches, not exactly in the style of Massillon, but in a way which moves the passions of uneducated hearers; and all his influence is employed to strengthen the Church of which he is a minister.

It was not such a room as one would wish to see inhabited by a beneficed clergyman of the Church of England; but they who know what money will do and what it will not, will understand how easily a man with a family, and with a hundred and thirty pounds a year, may be brought to the need of inhabiting such a chamber.

Just while this disappointment was bearing heavy on his spirits, Butler comes before his imagination no longer the half-starved threadbare usher, but fat and sleek and fair, the beneficed minister of Knocktarlitie, beloved by his congregation exemplary in his life powerful in his doctrine doing the duty of the kirk as never Highland minister did before turning sinners as a colley dog turns sheep a favourite of the Duke of Argyle, and drawing a stipend of eight hundred punds Scots, and four chalders of victual.

And Sir Edward Dering, being Chairman, said unto me that he was acquainted with a learned minister beneficed in Essex, who had lived long in England, but was born in High Germany, in the Palatinate, named Mr.