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The restoration of the clerks was an indefensible error of judgment, and its indiscretion was heightened by the kind of defence which Burke tried to set up. When we wonder at Burke's exclusion from great offices, this case of Powell and Bembridge should not be forgotten. The decisive event in the history of the Coalition Government was the India Bill.

"Why," replied the old sailor with his customary chuckle, thumping the pavement with his malacca cane to give greater emphasis to his words, "he was half-drowned almost the first evening he came down here; was wrecked in the poor Bembridge Belle the other afternoon; and now, to complete the category, has been blown up to-day." "Boys are like cats," said the barrister smiling.

The Bembridge Belle was now just about midway between Southsea and Seaview, and close upon the buoy marking the spot where the old Marie Rose, the first big ship of our embryo navy, sank in the reign of bluff King Hal, in an action she had with a French squadron that attempted entering the Solent with the idea of capturing the Isle of Wight.

"I'm told that the Bembridge Belle will leave the pier at ten o'clock without fail, wind and weather permitting, and it has just struck nine all through your loitering and skylarking in the water, Master Bob and you Dick, and that long palaver we had afterwards with your friend the towel-thief."

The mammalia, among which is Hyopotamus bovinus, differ, so far as they are known, from those of the Bembridge beds. The Hyopotamus belongs to the hog tribe, or the same family as the Anthracotherium, of which seven species, varying in size from the hippopotamus to the wild boar, have been found in Italy and other part of Europe associated with the lignites of the Lower Miocene period.

The Bembridge Belle was now well across the waterway, rapidly nearing the pier from which they had originally started in the morning, and Mrs Gilmour was just saying what a very enjoyable day they had passed, in spite of all mishaps, while Nellie was priding herself on the grand collection of wild-flowers she had made with her aunt's help, and Bob and Dick busy over the bucket, showing Hellyer the various treasures they had picked up amongst the rocks on the shore; when, all at once, the bows of the steamer struck against something in the channel, with a concussion that threw nearly everybody off their feet the shock being succeeded by a harsh grating sound as if her hull was gradually being ripped open.

Early next morning, after their usual matutinal swim, Bob and Dick accompanied the Captain for a stroll along the beach to the coastguard- station on the eastern side of the Castle, near to which the ill-fated Bembridge Belle had been run ashore.

Mantell obtained a fine specimen of a fan palm, Flabellaria Lamanonis, Brong., a plant first obtained from beds of corresponding age in the suburbs of Paris. The well-known building- stone of Binstead, near Ryde, a limestone with numerous hollows caused by Cyrenae which have disappeared and left the moulds of their shells, belongs to this subdivision of the Bembridge series.

Having rounded Bembridge Ledge, we stood towards the white Culver cliffs, forming the north side of Sandown Bay, with lofty downs rising above Bembridge. Near their summits are lines of fortifications, extending westward to where once stood Sandown Castle, near which there is now a large town, although papa said he remembered when there was only a small inn there, with a few cottages.

Rissoa Chastelii, Nyst, sp. Paludina lenta. Next below are fresh-water and estuary marls and carbonaceous clays in the brackish-water portion of which are found abundantly Cerithium plicatum, Lam. The lower fresh-water and estuary marls contain Melania costata, Sowerby, Melanopsis, etc. This bed contains a mixture of Hempstead shells with those of the underlying Upper Eocene or Bembridge series.