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But, so soon as he was anointed, the King began to parley with Burgundy, and thus they spun out the time, till, on July the twenty-fifth, a strong army of Englishmen had entered Paris. Whether their hearts were high may not be known, but on their banner they had hung a distaff, and had painted the flag with the words "Ores viegne la Belle,"

"It certainly is, but there is no telling what women will admire. A Chinese lady binds her feet, and an American her waist; a Maori woman slits her nose, and an English belle pierces her ears. It's on the same principle that your Thlinkit friends slit their chins for the lip-button."

I'll see Belle and tell her to go to Jim at once and keep him from talking. You know what he is when he gets going. He'll talk too much and spoil it all." Thus these two loyal friends laid plans to screen him. At Jebb's house, Higginbotham took the earliest occasion to warn Jim. "Now don't talk. Simply answer one or two questions when asked and as briefly as possible. 'Yes' or 'No' is enough.

She laughed in spite of her daughter's reproachful glance. "How wonderful if true!" she exclaimed. "It is true," returned Jewel soberly. "Even Anna Belle knows that; but I'm sure that you haven't learned anything about Christian Science, aunt Madge," she added politely. "What makes you so sure?" returned Mrs. Evringham banteringly.

Though with the aid of Michael O'Brien and his Manchester friends he had made all the arrangements, selecting the spot where the prison van was to be stopped, assigning to every man his post, and providing for every contingency, including the possibility of the rescuing party being taken in the rear from Belle Vue prison, he wired for the assistance of Captain Murphy and Colonel Burke, the message being that "his uncle was dying."

The Judge looked behind him abruptly, nodded ferociously at Mr. Cluyme, and took the hand that fluttered out to him from Mrs. Cluyme. "Know the Judge!" exclaimed that lady, "I reckon we do. And my Belle is so fond of him. She thinks there is no one equal to Mr. Whipple. Judge, you must come round to a family supper. Belle will surpass herself."

Faith, red and confused, made a dive for him, and caught off the bonnet, but with a shrill cry he clung to the handglass, and ran up to the top of a cabinet, where he calmly wound the long ribbon around his swart body, and, after scolding the assembled company for a moment or so, proceeded to admire himself in the glass, with all the vanity of a Broadway belle.

If we enter the town by the back door we'll always be back-door folk. I propose to come in by the front way, and have a red carpet and a triumphal arch for our entry. Don't do anything until I have tried a plan of mine. Meanwhile, you look after Midnight." Jim's curiosity was very large, but he smiled and asked no questions, and Belle set out for a visit to Uncle Collins.

Now, what do you think of it? We can look for the ring really!" Belle paused, out of breath. "What fun!" cried Rosalind. "Just what we have been wishing for," added Maurice. "I have been trying to think how we could get in." Katherine was the only one who was not enthusiastic over the adventure. She hung back a little and wanted to know what Belle had been afraid of. "Oh, I don't know.

The girls each helped themselves to candy and olives, and gave Billy the remainder of the food. Billy took one bite of ham, and approved. Belle and Jimmy had given up chasing the dog, and angry and ashamed, stood waiting half a block away. "Come back!" cried Billy. "You great big dunces, come back! They's a new kind of meat, and cake and candy." The boy delayed, but the girl joined Billy.