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Never again in all probability will the peasant be so well off. But before starting up country I meant to see Belgrade, and began by asking at the hotel where the King was to be seen. For a King, in 1902 at any rate, was still an object of interest, and one of the "show sights" of most European countries. The waiter replied "You want to see our King? You won't see him.

I had never seen a Servian full-dress ball, but the arrival of Wucics and Petronievitch procured me the opportunity of witnessing an entertainment of this description. The principal apartment in the new Konak, built by prince Michael, was the ball-room, which, by eight o'clock, was filled, as the phrase goes, by all "the rank and fashion" of Belgrade.

The world had never before witnessed such strenuous military operations as those of the preceding three months and the temporary exhaustion of the armies therefore was not surprising. In the last days of November, the city of Belgrade fell into the hands of the Austrians after a siege that had lasted, with continual bombardments, since the war began.

"That does not much matter, so that the delay has not been caused by her indisposition," said the young duke, earnestly. "No indisposition could possibly excuse such eccentricity of conduct at such a time. Salome is moving somewhere about the house, according to her crazy custom," said Lady Belgrade.

This benediction was not lost upon the Count, who chanced to be awake, and heard it with admiration; but what riveted Ferdinand in his good graces, was a discovery that our youth made, while his master was upon duty in the trenches before Belgrade.

"And what does he think of the chances of finding her soon and finding her safe?" inquired the dowager. The duke slowly shook his head. "Well, and what does that mean?" asked the lady. "It means that Detective Setter cannot form an opinion, or will not commit himself to the expression of one at present. And now, dear Lady Belgrade, as it is after two o'clock, I must bid you good-night "

Fifteen bombs had fallen about the arsenal, and one man, a non-commissioned officer, had been killed. Met Hardinge and Mawson: they both saw the aeroplane fall, and were not fifty yards from the place where it struck. Walked back to the Stobarts' camp for lunch. A French aeroplane had come over from Belgrade too late; now it rose slowly in the air and sailed off.

Unless we obtain this key, our past victories are all without significance, and for years we have been pouring out Christian blood in vain." "But we shall take Belgrade," cried Eugene. "We have sixty-six thousand well-armed men, all eager for the fray." "And the Turks have one hundred and fifty thousand." "But they are not a consolidated army, and we must prevent them from uniting their forces."

By far the most interesting building in Belgrade, however, is a low, tile-roofed, white-walled wine-shop at the corner of Knes Mihajelowa Uliza and Kolartsch Uliza, which is pointed out to visitors as "the Cradle of the War," for in the low-ceilinged room on the second floor is said to have been hatched the plot which resulted in the assassination of the Austrian archducal couple at Serajevo in the spring of 1914 and thereby precipitated Armageddon.

Lady Belgrade was sixty years old, tall, stout, fair-complexioned, gray-haired, healthy, good-humored, and well-dressed altogether as commonplace and harmless a fine lady as could be found in the fashionable world. Salome had never seen her, scarcely ever heard of her before the day of her arrival at Westbourne Terrace.