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Her eyes, by now accustomed to the gloom, could see the tumult which was passing within the man, reflected in his face. She whispered a warning under her breath. The two cigar ends had moved nearer. The forms of the two men were now distinct. One was leaning over the side of the ship by Von Behrling's side. The other stood a few feet away, gazing at the lights of Dover.

"What, in God's name, is this that you say?" the Baron interrupted. "I do not understand at all! You speak of Von Behrling's death! What do you mean?" Bellamy looked at him as one who listens to strange words. "Baron," he said, "between us who know so much there is surely no need for you to play a part. Von Behrling knew that you were watching him.

Now if Von Behrling had parted with that document last Monday night, don't you suppose that everything would be known by now? He did not part with it. Bellamy and Mademoiselle lie when they say that they possess it. That document remains in the possession of Von Behrling's murderer, and it is for us to find him." Kahn sighed. "It is outside our sphere that.

It is a terrible thing, I know, to drink wine in the morning, but when one travels, what can one do? Here come your bodyguard. They look at me as though I had stolen you away. Remember we take our coffee together afterwards. I am bored with so much traveling, and I look to you to amuse me." Von Behrling's journey was, after all, marked with sharp contrasts.

Mademoiselle Idiale followed him slowly, and behind her came Von Behrling's companions. The details of the great singer's journey had been most carefully planned by an excited manager who had received the telegram announcing her journey to London.

I got into that small coupe next to Von Behrling's, and I feel sure, from what I overheard, that they will go on to London, all three of them." "Who is there on the train?" she demanded. "Baron Streuss, who is head of the Secret Police, Von Behrling and Adolf Kahn," Bellamy answered. "Then there are four or five Secret Service men of the rank and file, but they are all traveling separately.

"Louise," he declared earnestly, "you don't quite realize Von Behrling's special weakness and your extraordinary strength. You know that you are beautiful, I suppose, but you do not quite know what that means. I have heard men talk about you till one would think that they were children.

"Remember that Rudolph Von Behrling moved about a marked man. Your spies and mine were most of the time upon his heels. Yet in the end some third person seems to have intervened. Are you quite sure that you know nothing of this?" "Upon my honor," Bellamy replied, "I have not the slightest information concerning Von Behrling's death beyond what you can read there.

Your spies were shadowing him as they have done me. He knew that he was running terrible risks. He was not unprepared and he has paid. It is not for us " "Now, in God's name, tell me the truth!" Baron de Streuss interrupted once more. "What is it that you are saying about Von Behrling's death?" Bellamy drew a little breath between his teeth. He leaned forward with his hands resting upon the table.