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But we women hope and pray for the time when our men will soften." "Beggin' your pardon, ma'am that time will never come." "Oh, it will!... Lassiter, do you think Mormon women wicked? Has your hand been against them, too?" "No. I believe Mormon women are the best and noblest, the most long-sufferin', and the blindest, unhappiest women on earth." "Ah!" She gave him a grave, thoughtful look.

"Might ha' been scat like an egg-shell, and here I be shoutin' praises!" Taffy saw that he was a clean-shaven little fellow, with puckered cheeks and two wisps of grey hair curling forward from his ears. Mr. Raymond frowned. "I am sure," said he, "you ought not to be talking so much." "I will sing and give praise, sir, beggin' you pardon, with the best member that I have.

"In the first place, you're goin' to live to see the day when you'll come and beg me on your bented knees to have me put poems or anything I want to in your ole newspaper, but I'll just laugh at you! 'Indeed? I'll say! 'So you come beggin' around me, do you? Ha, ha! I'll say! 'I guess it's a little too late for that! Why, I wouldn't " "Oh, say not so, Florence! Say not so!"

"Ef some folks deacons, too wuz ez good But go ahead, deac'n." "Next thing we heard from her, he had gone to the place he was raised in; but a friend of his, who went with him, came back, an' let out he'd got tight, an' been arrested. She writ him right off, beggin' him to come home, and go with her up to our place, where he could be out of temptation an' where she'd love him dearer than ever."

Ryder died. He . . . Oh, well! you mustn't worry, Hiram. Dusenberry'll pull out in time for his birthday. Goin' to celebrate, was you?" Captain Baker nodded. "Um-hm," he said. "Sophrony's goin' to bake a frosted cake and stick three candles on it he's three year old, you know and I've made him a 'twuly boat with sails, that's what he's been beggin' for. Ho! ho! he's the cutest little shaver!"

Sheridan began to walk to and fro again, and the doctor returned gloomily to his chair. He had shot his bolt the moment he judged its chance to strike center was best, but the target seemed unaware of the marksman. "I'm tryin' to make a big man out o' that poor truck yonder," Sheridan went on, "and you step in, beggin' me to let him be Lord knows what I don't!

"Beggin' your pardon, Colonel," she said, dropping her curtsey, "but I'm not much hacquainted with these Hamerican monies, and would you be so good as to tell me the worth of twenty-one gold guineas in the dollars they uses in this country.

"Jake, nothing but an aeroplane would satisfy me to-day." "Want to fly, hey? Wal, excuse me from them birds. I seen one, an' thet's enough for me.... An', changin' the subject, Miss Lenore, beggin' your pardon you ain't ridin' in the car much these days." "No, Jake, I'm not," she replied, and looked at the cowboy. She would have trusted Jake as she would her brother Jim. And now he looked earnest.

"Well, it do beat me altogether, Miss," she exclaimed, "as to how these silly men, my 'usband, too, one of the silliest, beggin' your parding, could bring that poor old Josey Letherbarrow up here all this way! And he not toddled beyond the church this seven or eight years!

"Settle up them scores byme-by; fightin' Christians scurse raound here. Fire away, Dick." "Well, we got as hungry as hounds half a dozen mile from home, and when a farm-house hove in sight, Joe said he'd ask for a bite and leave some of the plunder for pay. I was visitin' Joe, didn't know folks round, and backed out of the beggin' part of the job; so he went ahead alone.