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But one doesn't know wheer to go these times; an' one doesn't like to go a-beggin' among folk at they known. Well, when we coom to Gorton we geet twopence-hawpenny theer; an' that wur o'. Neaw, there's plenty moor beggin' besides us. Well, at after that twopence-hawpenny, we geet twopence moor, an' that's o' at we'n getten.

"Beggin' your pardon, sir, it's all right," replied Duggan; "you see, your honor, here's my little account for the work I wrought for you for five weeks wid horse and cart, up until I put my knee out o' joint in the quarry you remember, sir, when I brought it to you, you said to let it stand, that you would allow for it in the next gale."

D'ye 'ear that, mates? A man musn't look at 'is own bunk now." The captain turned as though he had been stung. "This is my bunk," he said, sharply. "Ho, is it?" said Bill. "Beggin' of your pardon, an' apologizing for a-contradictin' of you, but it's mine. You haven't got no bunk." "I slept in it last night," said the captain, conclusively.

He'd have stood the trial an' gone to jail to save Collie from what she dreaded.... Belllounds, your son was in the cabin gamblin' with the rustlers when I cornered them.... I offered to keep Jack's secret if he'd swear to give Collie up. He swore on his knees, beggin' in her name!... An' he comes back to bully her, an' worse.... Buster Jack!... He's the thorn in your heart, Belllounds.

Gineral Patterson an Irishman! no, sir; or there would have been bluidy noses at Bunker's Hill or Winchester, and that would have saved some at Bull Run." "On with your story, Terence," said the crowd. "Beggin' your pardon, there's no story about it, the blissid truth, ivery word of it. "Will, you see, while our ould Colonel, under the Gineral's orders, had me guarding a pratie patch "

As soon as Hullfish saw him, he came forward with something like a sigh of relief, and said, "Ah, Doc, you here? 'Tar'n't a hoax, then, though I was mightily 'feared it was. Them students is the Devil for chivying of a feller, beggin' your pardon, Mr. Blount. Have you got him yonder, Doctor?" said he, his keen eye noticing Mac and Clarian in the back room. "What do you mean, Hullfish?

Farmer Thorpe turned his bull-neck slowly round, and brought his eyes to bear on the speaker. "How d'ye make that out, Mr. Bennett?" he demanded. "Doan't ye sarve the A'mighty same in town as in country?" "Not a bit of it!" replied Bennett airily "You're a long way behind the times, Mr. Thorpe! you are indeed, beggin' your pardon for sayin' so!

Ain't it a noble proof of your good qualities that, instead of agitatin' for Repeal of the Union, we want a closer union? But have we no pride too? We would be onworthy of the name of Englishmen, if we hadn't it, and we won't stand beggin' for ever I tell you. Here's our hands, give us yourn; let's be all Englishmen together.

I was not in the mood for exchanging confidences as to my prospective matrimonial affairs, and my silence must have said as much. "Beggin' your pardon, sir; but seein' as 'ow you're a doctor, I wonder if you 'appens to know our bloke in the Jackass?" "Who, your doctor?" "Yessir. Tall orficer 'e is, close on six foot 'igh, wi' black 'air, wot jined the Navy special fur the war. Name o' Brown."

It made me laugh, anyhow, ev'ry time I thought of it; an' laughin' helps, ye know it does, it does!" "But why hasn't she told me the game?" faltered Miss Polly. "Why has she made such a mystery of it, when I asked her?" Nancy hesitated. "Beggin' yer pardon, ma'am, you told her not ter speak of her father; so she couldn't tell ye. 'Twas her father's game, ye see." Miss Polly bit her lip.