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They are instinctively religious, and it is only because they feel on terms of such friendly intimacy with the powers above that they speak of them so often. At the Widdy Mullarkey's, Knockarney House, Ballyfuchsia, County Kerry. Och! musha bedad, man alive, but it's a fine counthry over here, and it bangs all the jewel of a view we do be havin' from the windys, begorra!

Bedad, when I think that a couple of months ago you were running wild and getting into all sorts of mischief, it seems hard to believe that you should not only be one of us, but have got your name into general orders." "And all for nothing, father," Terence said. "I call it a beastly shame that just because I thought of using that lugger I should be cracked up more than the others."

He came up and laid his dirty hand on her white sleeve. "No, don't touch me," said Nora proudly. She sprang off the gate, and stood a foot or two away. "Don't come in," she continued; "stay where you are. If you have anything to say, say it there." "Bedad! it's a fine young lady that it is," said the man. "It aint afeared, is it?" "Afraid!" said Nora. "What do you take me for?"

Ah, though! it's lonely I'm likely to be, isn't it, deary? You don't deny me the pleasure of your society when I tell you that in all this vast crowd I stand solitary solitary but for her; and, bedad! I'm not certain that I take to her at all. Let me tuck my hand inside your arm, sweetest." A titter was heard from the surrounding girls. Ruth turned very red, then she looked into Kathleen's eyes.

"Gone north of Charles Town," he exclaimed, "that's bad, bedad, that's very bad. You are sure he did not sail southward?" he asked of the captain of the brig. That gruff mariner was in a strange state of mind. He had just been captured by a pirate, and in the next moment had made, what might be a very profitable sale, to a respectable merchant, of the goods the pirate was about to take from him.

"Bedad thin," said he, his eyes sparkling with animation, "it's myself would like to take the job in hand if it wos shtorrrming the battery that was wanted, captain, darlint; but since it's a surprise, for your own sake and that of iverybody else, don't send me; for I know I'd be puttin' me fut in it and raising no end of a distorbance before I'd done wid it."

"Divils me darlin'!" called Shon, "are we gluin' our eyes to a chink in the wall, whin the tangle of battle goes on beyand? Bedad, I'll not stand it! Look at them twistin' the neck o' war! Open the gates, open the gates say I, and let us have play with our guns." "Hush! 'Mon Dieu!" interrupted Pierre. "Look! The Tall Master!" None at the Fort had seen the Tall Master since the night before.

Look at that action. Bedad, they've got him shod!" The Pinto seemed as tall as Red Rover and, so far as trappings allowed one to see, he was nearly as fine in build. Diverse feelings now surged in the crowd. Many of the whites said, "Well, it was true after all, Red Cloud, the old fox, he sent to Omaha, or maybe Illinois and bought a racer. The shoeing of the Buckskin was a blind.

"Becase," he replied, "the chaps aboard the barque don't seem to be able to undershtand a worrud we say to thim; and bedad we're in the same fix with regar-rd to thim. So we want an interpreter; and maybe you'll be able to act that same for us." "Very well," said I; "what do you want me to do?"

The year is late; but there's dogs beyand, I suppose, and bedad, there y' are!" The Indian spoke slowly: "It is far off. There is no colour yet in the leaf of the larch. The river-hen still swims northward. It is good that we go. There is much buffalo in the White Valley."