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One morning Buffon was unusually obstinate, and Joseph found it necessary to resort to the extreme measure of dashing a basin of ice-cold water under the bed-clothes, the effect of which was instantaneous. By the persistent use of such means, Buffon at length conquered his habit; and he was accustomed to say that he owed to Joseph three or four volumes of his Natural History.

The lodger was Mr Verloc, indolent, and keeping late hours, sleepily jocular of a morning from under his bed-clothes, but with gleams of infatuation in his heavy lidded eyes, and always with some money in his pockets. There was no sparkle of any kind on the lazy stream of his life. It flowed through secret places.

"I'm sorry that we have no proofs to offer you," replied I; "she had only bed-clothes on when she was taken into the boat, and there is nothing to establish her identity." "I am content, sar; she must be my daughter. She was in a brig with her mother, and she was saved the very same year that her mother come home. There, sar, look at this picture; it is the same person.

We then stretched ourselves out on the pine brush and, covered by a single blanket, enjoyed a night of sound repose. The small quantity of bed-clothes we carried induced us to sleep without undressing.

The old woman had it put in the bed, and covered it with the bed-clothes, as if it was a sick person; and the 'bobbies' found it there before she had time to get it cooked for us, and, by jingo! we were all marched up to the 'lock-up' over it. Well, I got thirty days over that job.

She stumbled down the passage, tripping over the bed-clothes as she went, and dreading to be caught and stopped, but not afraid of anything else. The door was open when she reached it, and there was a dim light in the room. This was unexpected, and she paused to peep in before she entered. Two candles were burning on a table at the foot of the bed.

In this way, with little cessation, and singing the same songs again and again, the tired and exhausted child kept them in good humour all that night; and many a cottager, who was roused from his soundest sleep by the discordant chorus as it floated away upon the wind, hid his head beneath the bed-clothes and trembled at the sounds. At length the morning dawned.

May I go to bed?" said he, longing for a good cry unobserved under the bed-clothes. "Where's he to sleep?" asked the husband of the wife. "Nay," said she, still offended on Jack's account, "that's thy look-out. He's thy flesh and blood, not mine." "Come, wife," said uncle John, "he's an orphan, poor chap. An orphan is kin to every one."

Mrs. Hignett quivered, and cast an eye on the hump in the bed-clothes which represented dear Eustace. A cold fear had come upon her. "'Dear Eustace'!" she repeated mechanically. "We're engaged," said Jane. "We got engaged this morning. That's how he sprained his ankle. When I accepted him, he tried to jump a holly-bush." "Engaged! Eustace, is this true?"

Spirits of Red Lavender 10 drops. Syrup of Orange Peel 2 drams. Camphor Julep 1 ounce. Lady Lundie was in bed. The visible part of her ladyship was perfectly attired, with a view to the occasion. A fillet of superb white lace encircled her head. She wore an adorable invalid jacket of white cambric, trimmed with lace and pink ribbons. The rest was bed-clothes.