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"I wish we could get a little wind!" one of them called out. "We wish so, too," one of the Turks answered. "We have been lying becalmed all day." "Bound for Constantinople, I suppose?" came from the boat. "No, for Smyrna. We are bringing a cargo from Ancona, and shall load up at Smyrna with fruit." With a Turkish good-night the men rowed on, and the singer forward at once began another song.

This breeze has no heart in it, and it looks like a calm before noon, or else it will haul round to the wrong quarter." His former surmise proved correct, for about midday the boat was becalmed on an oily, steamy sea under a fierce, brazen sun. This lasted for the remainder of the day, and then was followed by the usual squally night.

"Lads," said I, in low, cautious tones, "not a sound, for your lives! There is a small craft of some sort out there becalmed, and it is my intention to run her alongside. But we cannot of course tell whether she is a friend or an enemy, so I think it will be well for us to get alongside without attracting the attention of her crew, if we can manage it.

The arrival of his Grace of Ellswold's physicians held gossip in the castle in abeyance, as all were anxious of their decision; but the presence of Sir Julian seemed to fill the sails of the becalmed household with a stiff breeze, which at a favourable moment would raise anchor and fly forth on a joyous sea.

Sometimes as a boy, with Plutarch in my hand, stretched idly under the old cedar-trees at Laughton; sometimes as a sailor, when, becalmed on the Atlantic, and my ears freshly filled with tales of Collingwood and Nelson, I stole from my comrades and leaned musingly over the boundless sea.

The only shelter for them and their store was that afforded by half a dozen diminutive native huts; the island itself was a mere artificial formation, which being always becalmed by the high land of the Cape, was extremely unhealthy; it was also entirely destitute both of fresh water and firewood which circumstances, added to the insalubrity of the air, and the closeness of their dwellings, soon produced a sensible effect upon the health of the settlers.

There would be of course the risk of being blown off the shore or becalmed, and it would be difficult to lay in a stock of provisions." "Besides," the count said, "there is no blockade at Odessa, and our small war-steamers cruise up and down the coast, so that you would be liable to capture. No, I am sure your best way will be to go by land through Poland.

Desmond comforted himself with the hope that Clive had taken no particular note of him, and, if they should ever encounter, would probably meet him as a stranger. The Good Intent lay becalmed in the doldrums. There was not wind enough to puff out a candle flame.

I did not see how it was to be accomplished; but I felt assured that the Power which had hitherto guided me would point out the way. When the officer of the boat I was in saw the barque becalmed, he gave the signal to our consort, and without further delay we three pulled out together towards her. For some time no one on board appeared to have observed us.

Go through any crew the sea over, and it is the lads who have homes of their own and little children in 'em as keep the straightest. Sometimes, too, I used to take a fancy that I could have listened to a word from a parson, or a good brisk psalm-tune, and taken it in very good part. A year is a long pull for twenty-five men to be becalmed with each other and the devil.