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For they are the slaves, and the victims, and the martyrs of the unrelenting, merciless, dreadful pleasures of men...." Of men like Beauvayse. Not only swart and shaggy, or pale and bloated beast-men, or white-haired, toothless, blear-eyed satyrs grown venerable in vice.

The dread of this unknown Bright One, which was plainly capable of devouring them all if Grôm should lose control of it, was more nerve-shaking than their dread of the beast-men. Moreover, there was the natural reluctance to leave the old, familiar dwellings for an unknown, distrusted land, confessedly the haunt of those monstrous beasts which they had most cause to fear.

Wild beasts in the spiritual world are correspondences, and thus representatives of the lusts in which the spirits are, 79. The state of men compared with that of beasts, 151*. Men like beasts, found in the forests, 151*. Beast-men, 233. BEAUTY. The affection of wisdom is essential beauty, 56. Cause of beauty in the female sex, 56.

For already, plainly visible on the farther edge of the canyon, scores and hundreds of the hideous little beast-men were beginning to swarm. Their cries, despite the contrary stiff wind, carried across the river; and here and there a dart broke against the cliff. Already a few of the Anthropoids were beginning to scramble down the opposite wall of stone.

I was free to make for the far end of the mesa, find my way to the valley below, and while the two forces were engaged in their struggle, continue my search for Hooja's village, which I had learned from the beast-men lay farther on down the river that I had been following when taken prisoner.

I said, "Are they beasts then?" he replied, "They are not beasts, but beast-men; for they are such as cannot at all see whether truth be truth or not, and yet they can make whatever they will to be truth.

Years when the crops didn't ... didn't...." He looked at Loudons, aware that his partner should be talking now, and also suddenly aware that Loudons had recognized the situation and left the leadership up to him.... "... years that the crops failed. Years of storms, or floods. Troubles with those beast-men in the woods. "And you were alone, as we were, with no one to help.

Both of them had expected some effect from the sudden fusillade, but nothing like that which actually resulted. For, as the quick shots echoed to stillness again, and even before the first of the falling leaves had spiraled to the ground, an absolute, unbroken silence fell upon that vile rabble of beast-men the silence of a numbing, paralyzing, sheer brute terror.

Kneeling there, up he snatched the revolver, and in a deadly fire he poured out the last spitting shots, pointblank in the faces of the crowding rabble. Up he leaped. The rifle barrel flashed and glittered as he whirled it. Like a reaper, laying a clean swath behind him, the engineer mowed down a dozen of the beast-men. Shrieks, grunts, snarls, mingled with his execrations.