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Beany will get a good punch if he says much. Mar. 1, 186- brite and fair. father is going to the school exibision. Mar. 2. Brite and fair. tonite father lerned me a speach to say when old Francis gives me the prise. i dont want to say it but he says i have got to. this is my speach.

"Well, they didn't have enough to eat, to begin with," said Beany, "and then the air was so bad, and they were all cooped up in that little space, and you couldn't hear any outside noises at all. You don't know how funny that is. "They took our watches, so we couldn't tell the time, and, honest, I thought we must have been there a month.

July 24. Brite and fair. i was all sweled up with hornet bites but they dident hurt enny, i looked jest like Beany when he had the mumps. everyone laffed at me. July 25. i got a fishhook in my leg today. me and Fatty Melcher was a fishing when we got our lines tangled, i hollered first cut, but i dident have enny nife and Fatty woodent let me have his nife.

Tuesday morning, as he drove in his fine car, splendidly dressed, his yellow eyes half hidden behind smoked glasses, a couple of Boy Scouts came out of Colonel Bright's office as he stopped his car at the steps. Porky and Beany stopped and stared. "Out of the way!" said the Wolf, as he approached the door. Porky and Beany stepped obediently aside.

Beany feels prety big about his new ax and he had got so that he can grunt jest like men who chop wood all the time. so Beany he swung the ax over his head and it hit the closeline and bounced rite up in the air and came rite down on Beanys head and he fell down whack and laid there till his father came out and lugged him into the house. they thought he was ded but he wasent.

"There is a little time, and while I smoke I will tell you all about the little fuss we have just finished. Yes, boys, the man you saw killed was the second mate of this ship, and a spy; a miserable spy. No use wasting pity on him; he got what he deserved." The Colonel scowled. Porky and Beany sat perfectly still, staring with round, bulging eyes at the Colonel. They did not speak.

Jimmy Gad et too much and was sick. December 27. Beany has got a new striped shirt not a false bosom but a whole shirt. Beany wont speak to me now. Lucy Watson has got a new blew hat with a fether. she wont speak to Keene and Cele eether. you jest wait Beany and Lucy and see.

Then another bundle sailed accurately through the air. The first was the Colonel's uniform; the second, his great top-coat. On the slanting, shivering deck the twins stood looking down, yelling madly. "Put on your clothes!" Porky was frantically calling. "Look in the pockets!" called Beany. The Captain stood up with a despairing gesture. "Jump!" he commanded.

Beany kept sticking his head out from behind the organ and making up faces at me to make me laff out loud till the minister spoke to him and he felt prety cheep. Jan. 23. snowed and raned today both, i had my sled painted today. it is painted black with a gold stripe and Exeter Boy in gold letters on it. Mister Purington Pewts father painted it. i went to school today. nobody got licked.

Saturday and no skating. went down to the library to get a book for Sunday. me and Beany were sticking pins into the fellers and making them holler and Jo Parsons the libarian jumped rite over the counter and chased us way down to Mr.