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Feb. 6. brite and fair. me and Pewt and Beany sawed and split some wood for Misses Lewis. Feb. 7. brite and fair. sawed some more wood, me and Pewt and Beany. Feb. 8. brite and fair. split some more wood, me and Pewt and Beany. Feb. 9. Fatty Melcher and Caw-caw Harding, Chitter Robinson and Medo Thurston helped saw some more wood. Feb. 10.

Sept. 18. Brite and fair. after school today me and Beany and Fatty and Nibby and Lees Moses and Whacker went home by the libary building, when the girls came out they dident pay enny attension to us becaus the high school fellers was there. perhaps they will want to slide on our sleds next winter and then i gess they will find out something.

Ferris," whom the young lady of the grocery had coyly saluted; the "Beany," whom the pale young editor had bluntly bidden to leave town; and the literary celebrity whom Miss Mary Carstairs so evidently and so warmly admired. Varney stared at the portrait with a kind of fascination. Now he saw many points of difference between the face of "the popular author" and his own.

As an example of Western humor, it is related that Beany Powell, when sewing up the wound with twine and a sack needle, found a large lump of fat protruding from the incision, of which he was unable to dispose; so he cut it off, tried out the grease in the frying-pan and used it to grease his boots. Old Bluford became a character in the country.

Jan. 15. i am all spekled over. mother says she is afrade i have got chicken pocks. i gess i have been in the hen koop to mutch. Jan. 16. the speckles have all gone of. doctor Perry says i et to many donuts. Jan. 18. brite and fair. yesterday to and day before yesterday i have forgot. Jan. 19. snowed all day. Me and Beany is mad.

"No," said Porky. He laughed. "You know what Colonel Bright's done to me? He's made me imagine things. I thought I saw something over there in the light way, way off." Beany stared. "Nothing doing!" he declared. "I could see if it was there, you know." "Yes, I know your eyes," said Porky nervously. "I saw a gull or a porpoise, I suppose."

Pewt says Beany drank up more then the moneys wirth of sweatened water and smoked all the best cigars i am glad of it. i gess the next time Beany will know more. Mar. 26. sunday. nothing to do but go to church and think of going to school tomorow. i wonder if i shall get a licking this tirm.

May 11. we had a buly ride tonite we raced 4 fellers and beat them. May 12. brite and fair. tonite we coodent get lady Clara up. we are going to try agen tomorrow and drive her in the day time. May 13. rany agen. we got lady Clara up this morning. Beany and Fatty pulled in front and i licked behind. this afternoon one of our wheals broak down.

Beany has got a job blowing the organ for Kate Wells. he only let the wind go out 2 times today. it was funny becaus when the organ stopped Mister Wood who was singing let out an auful hoot before he knowed what he was doing Beany will lose his job if he does it again.

May 29. brite and fair. i have to go to pasture 2 times every day. i like to go in the woods but i dont like to have to go. today i found a nest in the barn with 15 hens egs. i gess mother wont say mutch about my hens now. May 30. Rany. Beany has gone to Bideford to see Tom Cleves. i hope Tom will come with him when Beany comes home. i went up to Whacker Chadwicks tonite.