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"Jack," said I, some years since, to a handy "hedge carpenter," in the county of Wexford, "why did you not come last night to do the job I wanted? It is done now, and you have lost it." "Whi-thin, that's my misforthin any how an be-dad 'twas a double misforthin too, for I wus dooin nothin else thin devartin meeself." "Diverting yourself," said I, "and not minding your business?"

"Another close friend o' me boyhood, sir, an' a fine lad, too, be-dad!" "Tackle, sir, mostly," replied Tom. "It's a relief to find a couple who aren't bent on being backs," said the coach with a smile to Miller. "All right, fellows. We'll give you all the chance in the world. Report to Sawyer now."

His naturalization in Canaan seems to belong to a very early period; at all events, in Sumerian he was called Martu, "the Amorite," and seal-cylinders speak of "the Martu gods." One of these has been found in the Lebanon. The Assyrian tablets tell us that he was also known as Dadu in the West, and under this form we find him in names like El-Dad and Be-dad, or Ben-Dad.

"An' shure," exclaimed Van Dorn, with the broadest accent imaginable, "an' will yez be afther tellin' me, be-dad! why I should not shpake me own mither tongue?" Both Houston and Jack laughed at Van Dorn's ready answer. "You will do," Jack said quietly, but in a tone so rich and musical as to chain the attention of his guests while he proceeded to plan the details of their visit to the mine.

"'Twill be a gr-reat occasion, Hinnissy, an' be-dad I'd like to be there to see it. Ye can't go too sthrong again' th' Chinee. Me frind th' impror iv Germany put it right. 'Brave boys, says he, 'ye ar-re goin' out now, he says, 'f'r to carry th' light iv Christyanity, he says, 'an' th' teachin's iv th' German Michael, he says, 'to th' benighted haythen beyant, he says.

After that there was music, and the dances of old Ireland the reel and the lilt. And when last of all came the Irish jig, the old woman put her basket down on the ground. "Sure, the music is like the springtime in my bones," she said to the Twins. "Be-dad, I'd the foot of the world on me when I was a girl and I can still shake one with the best of them, if I do say it myself."

"Frinds!" exclaimed the astonished Mike, "Be-dad! and whin did I iver know ye to make frinds with ony of owld Blaisdell's men befoor?" "Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut, Mike," was Jack's only reply as he again began work, and Mike had nothing to do but to follow his example. In a short time Houston had become perfectly familiar with his new surroundings.