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She was not a Whyte, but she had lived beside one. Youth is so elastic! When new comers, as a common effort of politeness, saw a strong likeness between Mrs. Rowe and her niece, the representative of the Whytes of Battersea drew herself to her full height, which was a trifle above her niece's shoulders, and answered "Oh dear, no, madam!

"By all means," she answered graciously, "if you don't mind rather an uncomfortable seat. We are staying in Battersea. It seems a long way out, but it is quiet, and Louise and I like it." "In Battersea?" Wrayson repeated vaguely. The Baroness looked over her shoulder. They were standing on the pavement, waiting for their electric brougham.

She did not look the sort of woman who would be reticent about a thing like that. Well, anyway, it was something; and Edward Plimmer had been long enough in Battersea to be thankful for small favours. An intoxicated husband would be better than nothing. At least he would be something that a fellow could get his hands on to and throw about a bit.

Somewhere in the seas of sunset or of sunrise, somewhere in the ultimate archipelago of the earth, there is one little island which I wish to find: an island with low green hills and great white cliffs. "I suppose it is unnecessary to tell you," said my friend, with an air of intellectual comparison, "that this is Battersea?" "It is quite unnecessary," I said, "and it is spiritually untrue.

Every year some 26,000 homeless and ownerless canines are picked up by the police in the streets of London, and during the forty-seven years which have elapsed since the Dogs' Home at Battersea was established, upwards of 800,000 dogs have passed through the books, a few to be reclaimed or bought, the great majority to be put to death.

"I am going to Battersea," I repeated, "to Battersea viâ Paris, Belfort, Heidelberg, and Frankfort. My remark contained no wit. It contained simply the truth. I am going to wander over the whole world until once more I find Battersea.

"Loose, loose every sail to the breeze, The course of the vessel improve, I've done with the toil of the seas, Ye sailors, I'm bound to my love. "Tom, you beggar, is the bundle ready for your mother? We must drop the skiff, Jacob, at Battersea reach, and send the clothes on shore for the old woman to wash, or there'll be no clean shirts for Sunday.

An annual, growing wild in Battersea fields, and many other parts of this kingdom. It is usually sown in August, and stands the winter perfectly well; it is very similar to lettuce, and is a good substitute for it in the spring and winter seasons. COSTMARY Tanacetum Balsamita. Is used as a herb in salad. This is a perennial plant of easy culture. CRESS. Lepidium sativum.

When he had made this escape he was very properly pursued by a voting card from Battersea, on which a political agent named Burn asked him to vote for a political candidate named Burns. And when he did so another coincidence happened to him: rather a spiritual than a material coincidence; a mystical thing, a matter of a magic number.

And the worst of it is I have altogether lost my appetite by the time I get back. I couldn't eat a mouthful of food not a mouthful I assure you I couldn't. And it does so distress good Mrs. Conisbee. She is exceedingly kind to me exceedingly careful about my health. Oh, and in Battersea Park Road I saw such a shocking sight; a great cart ran over a poor little dog, and it was killed on the spot.