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No system of religion or philosophy has ever explained this inexplicable mystery, for it cannot be understood by the embodied Soul, whose vision and comprehension are dulled by the grossness of its physical envelope. Even the illuminated Soul that quits its prison house, to bathe in the light of infinitude, can only recollect flashes of the Vision Glorious once it returns again to earth.

O virtuous king, one should next repair to the tirtha called Brahmavarta. Bathing in Brahmavarta, one ascendeth to the abode of Brahma. O king, one should then repair to the excellent tirtha called Sutirtha. There the Pitris are ever present along with the gods. One should bathe there and worship the Pitris and the gods.

"I was SO sorry we had forgotten him! but HE never complained, only said, with his cheerful grin, I kinder mistrusted the Colonel was away, but I wasn't goin' to pester him. He tried to be jolly, though in dreadful pain; called Harry 'Major, and was so grateful for all we brought him, though he didn't want oranges and tea, and made us shout when I said, like a goose, thinking that was the proper thing to do, 'Shall I bathe your brow, you are so feverish?

Lo cried, turning to the Countess. "Oh, Madame," with a curtsey, "you are not? You " "Yes, I will come," the Countess answered. "I shall bathe a short distance up the stream," Count Hannibal said. He took from his belt the packet of letters, and as Carlat held the boat for Madame St. Lo to enter, he gave it to the Countess, as he had given it to her yesterday.

As "the next mortal creature, even a Reviewer, again compelled to glance into that book," I have felt the propriety of our humorist's injunction to such a one, "to bathe himself in running water, put on change of raiment, and be unclean until the even."

The forest folk would mate in fall, the caribou calves would open their wondering eyes in spring, the moose would bathe and wallow in the lakes in summer, and in winter the venerable grizzly would seek his lair, and still his dreams, in his lonely cabin, would be unchanged. His love would never lessen or increase. He had held none of it back; no more could be given or taken away.

"I wish they had come with us," said the leader of the Gun Club. "I doubt if they get a deer the wind is blowing directly toward the game." "Well, they wanted to go so let them," answered Giant. The barked shin hurt considerably and he was anxious to get back to camp, that he might wash it and bathe it with witch hazel. "Let us go up the lake and across on the ice," suggested Snap.

In selecting the scene for the hunt a position is chosen which lies on some old and frequented route of the animals, in their periodical migrations in search of forage and water; and the vicinity of a stream is indispensable, not only for the supply of the elephants during the time spent in inducing them to approach the enclosure, but to enable them to bathe and cool themselves throughout the process of training after capture.

Haste Philander, to my arms for cure, I die with fear there may be danger haste, and let me bathe, the dear, the wounded part in floods of tears, lay to my warm lips, and bind it with my torn hair: oh!

As I endeavoured to remove him from his burrow, he made his teeth meet through the fleshy part of my forefinger. This gave me an unexpressible pain. The Hungary water was immediately brought to bathe it, and goldbeater's skin applied to stop the blood.