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And it was not only for her own degradation, dreadful as that was, that she grieved, but Ussher himself he of whom she had felt so fond whom she had so loved was this his truth, his love? was this the protection he had sworn to give her against her father's folly, and her brother's violence? and, as he had basely added, against Father John's bigotry?

I was literally torn asunder between love and hatred love born basely of material feeling alone hatred, the offspring of a deeply injured spirit for whose wrong there could scarce be found sufficient remedy.

Once more Charles had to call a Parliament; two met in 1640 the Short Parliament, which lasted but three weeks, and the Long, which outlasted Charles. It met to pronounce Stafford's doom; and his plot with the army detected, Charles basely sacrificed his loyal servitor, his own kingly word, to fears for the queen's safety; no act weighed heavier on him afterward.

He in the meantime retired to France, to let the public indignation subside; but before he could assume sufficient confidence again to face the country he had so basely injured his worthless existence was suddenly terminated, some thought by poison the common solution of all such doubtful questions in those days in the month of June in the following year. He expired in his twenty-ninth year.

I knew that I was basely to abuse the hospitality of the King. But what is a King to a man in love? Presently we two were alone in the garden, the Princess and myself. She was whispering instructions, telling me that I was a man of courage. "It is not too late to back out," she said. "I would face a thousand kings rather," I replied.

My speech to the King and my choler were the topic of the day, and I was blamed for having spoken so loudly and in such terms. But of two evils I had chosen the least, a reprimand from the King, or a few days in the Bastille; and I had avoided the greatest, which was to allow myself to be believed an infamous libeller of our young men, in order to basely and miserably curry favour at the Court.

Helen had come down again, and showed nothing of the dreadful shock her feelings had sustained when her one particular chum so basely deserted her. She sang for Ralph, and the three of them also joined their voices in many of the school songs dear to the heart of all Columbia students.

We lost in this fight not above 2000 slain, and the Parliament near as many, but the prisoners were a great number; the whole body of foot being, as I have said, dispersed, there were 4500 prisoners, besides 400 officers, 2000 horses, 12 pieces of cannon, 40 barrels of powder, all the king's baggage, coaches, most of his servants, and his secretary, with his cabinet of letters, of which the Parliament made great improvement, and basely enough caused his private letters between his Majesty and the queen, her Majesty's letters to the king, and a great deal of such stuff to be printed.

So that Antigonus's foot were routed, but his horse got the better, and he became master of the baggage, through the cowardice of Peucestes, who behaved himself negligently and basely; while Antigonus used his judgment calmly in the danger, being aided moreover by the ground.

Very much surprised that a fellow who appeared sound at heart, should threaten to behave so basely, Evan asked an explanation: upon which the waggoner demanded to know what he had eyes for: and as this query failed to enlighten the youth, he let him understand that he was a man of family experience, and that it was easy to tell at a glance that the complaint the young woman laboured under was one common to the daughters of Eve.