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Cars shriek down the street; the Elevated train clangs and curves perilously overhead; newsboys wail the baseball news; wits cry their obscure challenges to one another, 'I should worry! or 'She's some Daisy! or 'Good-night, Nurse! In houses off the streets around children are being born, lovers are kissing, people are dying.

The navy sulked for a while, because they held that Russo's treatment of the Andorinha was not cricket, or baseball, or whatsoever game appeals most to the Brazilian sportsman.

To do this successfully, it must be realized, of course, that the greatest single factor in exciting interest is the personal factor, since comparatively few men can get much interested in a matter that is impersonal; a boy is more interested in watching a baseball game in which he knows some of the players than in watching a game between teams neither of which he has ever seen; and the men in any ship are more interested in the competition between their ship and some other than between any other two; feeling that esprit de corps by reason of which every individual in every organization personifies the organization as a living thing of which he himself is part.

"Charlie's a genius," growled the baseball reporter, defiantly. "I say, he's a genius." The Boston man shook his head. "My boy," he began, sententiously, "genius is nothing more than hard work, and a man " Norris slapped the table with his hand. "Oh, no, it's not," he jeered, fiercely, "and don't you go off believing it is, neither. I've worked. I've worked twelve hours a day.

"Yesterday. Sidney an' Louise, Sidney an' Louise," came the taunting revision. John's face set. All the wrongs which Sid had perpetrated since the Halloween party the earlier sodas, the persistence which had culminated in the theater affair, the baseball election, and his arrogance since that time clamored for revenge. He'd get even, he would.

And Bawly looked out of the window over at the baseball game. And Bully looked out of the window over toward the swimming pond. And the teacher looked out of the window at the cool woods, where those queer flowered Jack-in-the-pulpits grew, and she too, wished she was out there instead of in the schoolroom.

Yet in this search for the truth there are some facts that we must face and admit. The first of these is that as a race blended, if you please, but still the people of a nation we are ambitious and hurried. We act a great deal more than we think. Cricket is too slow for us; only baseball has the fire and the dash we like.

In this, they play into the officials' hands, whose theory of government is fear, and who find aid to themselves in the mutual misgivings and hatreds of their charges. Evidently, the relaxations of the baseball afternoons afforded a capital opportunity to the stool pigeons, and the results were soon apparent.

Took chances on everything, bought ice cream for the young girls and the children. Kissed the little ones, flattered their mother: and took their fathers out for something down at the comer. 9 P.M.: At the clubhouse again. Spent $10 on tickets for a church excursion and promised a subscription for a new church bell. Bought tickets for a baseball game to be played by two nines from his district.

M., a fairly rich man, and I did think a good deal of him. I liked to go to Sunday-school and was often the first in my class. The teacher would put up a prize for the one that was there first. Sometimes it would be a baseball bat, skates, book, or knife. I would let myself out then and would be first and get the prize. I asked Mr. M. to get me work in an office.