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Whatever dollars we have to put into baseball will go to meet the regular expenses of the team. We haven't any money to fool away in betting; and we don't care for any more second-hand talk from a half-baked youngster like you! You get me?" The crowd applauded uproariously. Pursued by the jeers and catcalls of the small fry, Percy sat down, his face, if possible, redder than before.

"Such a sport as free-born Americans and only free-born Americans can play in this, wide world the American game of baseball, in which no other nation of the Earth is our equal!" This was a point scored and the cheering lasted two minutes. Then the orator resumed: "I say: 'Give the working-man a chance! Is his life a happy one? You know it ain't! Give him his one day.

Zowie! how quick they got a move on, every single man but the one lone dickey we found knocked out down below-stairs. Ev'rything movin' along like silk who cares whether school keeps or not, with us boys on the top wave o' success." Then he concluded to stop premature boasting, knowing very well that as in a game of baseball nothing is settled until the last man has been put out.

The big front door was locked, but Steve was not to be denied and eventually gained entrance through a little door at the rear which led into the boiler-room and from there found their way into the main basement where were situated the big swimming tank, a commodious baseball cage and a bowling alley.

"Even in the West we couldn't keep house without Dionysius assisted by Hebe to superintend our afternoon teas, and Hercules as a patron of baseball." Madeline laughed and cast a grateful look in his direction. "You see how pleasant it is to feel familiar with the gods so that you can use them freely," she said.

"Sold it to the newspaper man. He gave me three dollars and twenty-five cents for the customers." "Oh!" There was a pause. "Like my baseball suit?" he asked. She gazed at the flaming horror and nodded enthusiastically. "You ought to see me run that team!" "You?" she exclaimed. "Why, I thought Sid was captain." "He was," with zestful emphasis on the verb.

It was Hi Kendal that restored him, though Hi had no thought of doing so good a deed. It was in this way: A baseball match was on with The Porcupines from near the Fort. To Hi's disgust and the team's dismay Bill failed to appear. It was Hi's delight to stand up for Bill's pitching, and their battery was the glory of the Home team. "Try The Pilot, Hi," said some one, chaffing him.

Leaving college and going into business in a big city is like taking a high dive from the hall of fame into an ice-water tank. Think of that and be cheerful. You've got a nice time coming. Just now you're Rudolph Weedon Burlingame, Siwash Naughty-several, late captain of the baseball team, prize orator, manager of two proms and president of the Senior class.

Football, baseball, shinney, circus, things like that." "I don't mean sports, Miss Crown. I was thinking of those wonderful boy and girl games, such as 'playing house, 'getting married, 'hide-and-go-seek, all that sort of thing." "Yes, I know," she admitted.

I suppose now, if she had a daughter she'd prevent her from associating with Sue, and Ivy, and Peggy, as well as all the other high-school girls whose mothers actually allow them to go to dances with us boys, and even cheer the Scranton players in a rattling good baseball game."