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Relating to the Disposition of the Captives. It was not later than the next day but one, that I met Giddings, alert, ingratiating, and natty as ever. "When am I to have the third stanza?" I inquired, "the one that's 'the best of all." This question he seemed to take as a rebuke; for he reddened, while he tried to laugh. "Barslow," said he, "there isn't any use in our discussing this thing.

"He was here to see you, or rather to inquire if you were Al Barslow who used to live in Pleasant Valley Township," the Judge went on. "He's the fellow who organized the Ohio flambeau brigade. Seems smart." "Pleasant Valley Township, did he say? Yes, I know him. It's Jimmie Elkins."

You are supposed to have left your modesty in cold storage somewhere. Read on." "Mr. Barslow," I read, "has long been a most potent political factor in his native state, but is, first of all, a business man. He brings his charming young wife " "Really, a most discriminating journalist," interjected Alice.

"Wal, I declare, I'm glad to see yeh!" said he, as he grasped my hand. "I'd a'most forgot yeh, till Mr. Elkins told me you remembered my whalin' them Dutch boys at a scale onct." I had had no recollection of him; yet form and voice seemed vaguely familiar. I assured him that my memory for names and faces was excellent. After being duly presented to Mrs. Barslow, he urged us to alight and come in.

It's the so't of cattle we've got hyah as citizens that's handicappin' us; but in spite of this, suh, ouah unsuhpassed strategical position is winnin' fo' us. We ah just now on the eve of great developments, Barslow, great developments! All my holdin's ah withdrawn from mahket until fu'theh notice.

Elkins," said a deep voice. "I didn't know yeh." "Thought it was the sheriff with a summons, eh? Well, I guess hardly!" said Jim. "Mr. Trescott, I want you to shake hands with our old friend Mr. Barslow." A heavy figure detached itself from the group, and, as it approached, developed indistinctly the features of a brawny farmer, with a short, heavy, dark beard.

The nurse came in, and told me that Mrs. Barslow wished to see me in the library. I went down, and found Josie and Alice together. "I got a letter from from Mr. Cornish," said she, "telling me that he was returning from Chicago to-night, and was coming to see me. I ran over, because and told mamma to say that I couldn't see him." "See him by all means," said I with some bitterness.

Then General Lattimore came with a party of surveyors, and by the fall there was quite a village here." Jim came in with another gentleman, whom he introduced as Captain Tolliver. The Captain shook my hand with profuse politeness. "I am delighted to see you, suh," said he. "Any friend of Mr. Elkins I shall be proud to know. I heah that Mrs. Barslow is with you. I trust, suh, that she is well?"

Mr. and Mrs. Barslow, my daughter." She was a little slim slip of a thing, in white, and emerged from the shrubbery at Mr. Trescott's call. She bowed to us, and said she was sorry that we could not stop. Her voice was sweet, and there was something unexpectedly cool and self-possessed in her intonation.

You can come out into Lynhurst Park Addition, and build your house near the Barslow and Elkins dwellings. We've got about everything there city water, gas, electric light, sewers, steam heat from the traction plant, beautiful view, lots on an established grade " "Don't, don't!" said Josie. "It sounds like the advertisements in the Herald."