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I assure you, I feel great pleasure at your success." "Accept my thanks, sir," said Denis, whose eye was instantly lit up with delight "accept my most obsequious thanks to the very furthest extent of my gratitude." The Barrister then shook hands with old Denis. "O'Shaughnessy," said he, "I am very happy that I have had it in my power to serve you and your son."

The long evening passed away cosily enough, leaving on Herbert's mind an impression that in choosing to be a barrister he had certainly chosen the noblest walk of life in which a man could earn his bread. Mr.

Peter Arbuthnot Forbes, sometime London barrister, at present Secretary to the Council of the Province. He differed from some of his neighbors in that he abominated pirates and would have given them short shift. A trifle near-sighted, he was quite close to the tavern before he espied his own nephew and ward, Jack Cockrell, in this shameful company of roisterers.

In this dearth of events, may we take the liberty of introducing, according to the fashion of modern biography, a few private letters? They are written by persons of whom the reader as yet knows nothing Mr. Percy's second and third sons, Alfred and Erasmus. Alfred was a barrister; Erasmus a physician: they were both at this time in London, just commencing their professional career.

The barrister had no word of comment when I overtook him again. 'Twas about two o'clock when we came to the gate Mr. Swain had erected at the entrance to his place; the land was a little rolling, and partly wooded, like that on the Wye. But the fields were prodigiously unkempt. He drew up, and glanced at me. "You will see there is much to be done with such fallows as these," said he.

Rushton quotes the following passages from "Richard II.": But, here again, Shakespeare, although he may have known more law than Holinshed, or even Hall, who was a barrister, only used the law-terms that he found in the paragraph which furnished him with the incident that he dramatized. For, after recording the death of Gaunt, the Chronicle goes on:

Brett felt that she was too full, and would overflow with tears in an instant. "This is vely bad!" gasped Jiro. "Oh, Nummie dear, have we been doing wrong?" moaned his spouse. The barrister determined to frighten them thoroughly. "It is a grave question with the authorities whether they should not arrest you instantly," he said. "On what charge?" cried Jiro.

The cost of this entertainment was defrayed by the members of the two inns each reader paying £4, each ancient, £2 10s.; each barrister, £2, and each student, 20s.

His Life of Chaucer would have given celebrity to any man of letters possessed of three thousand a year, with leisure to write quartos: as the legal acuteness displayed in his Remarks on Judge Eyre's Charge to the Jury would have raised any briefless barrister to the height of his profession. Mr. Godwin's mind.

Johnson and the rejection of Mr. Jackson." In July, Thomas Babington Macaulay, a young and unsuccessful barrister, found himself on circuit at York. He was told that Mr. Smith had come to see him, and, when the visitor was admitted, he recognized "the Smith of Smiths, Sydney Smith, alias Peter Plymley.