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"Troubles, Nanny," said Bryan, with surprise; "why surely, Nanny, barrin' it's love, I don't see what trouble you can have." "Well, and may be it is," said the girl, smiling. "Oh, in that case," replied Bryan, "I grant you're to be pitied; poor thing, you look so ill and pale upon it, too. An' what is it like, Nanny this same love that's on you?"

"Why, your honor, I can't say that he took much part in it, barrin' once that he went between us and the woman." "He ought, Captain, and will, I hope." "Oh, devil a worse, Captain, but even if he escapes us now, we'll manage him yet." They now came to a turn in the road, and found themselves at a bridge, a little beyond which two roads met.

All this is brewed while the dance is goin' on, an' by breakfast time next mornin', there bein' a full quorum of Republican war chiefs on hand, they pulls a pow-wow an' instructs their deputies to round up the lynchers. This is done, barrin' a few that's flitted, the boys bein' caught unawares. Well, things begun lookin' serious to 'em, an' as a last resort they decided to fall back on the truth.

"Clear?" Sam nodded. "Barrin', o' course, the bill for to-night's board an' lodgin'." " Up to date 'e 'as paid S. Bossom over six pound, and 'as picked up with an engagement 'ere. Dear sir, you will see there's no risk, and S. Bossom will stay 'ere a week an' collect the balance." "The Lord forbid!" Sam protested, laying down his pen. "I'd like to know oo's writin' this letter you or me?"

Many's the time I seen the ould waiter listenin' to him till the wather would pour out iv his two good-lookin' eyes. An, thin, 'twas Mat Harris had the gab, rest his sowl! Ye haven't anybody could come up to him barrin' owld Gladstone, divil a one." Another Athloner, speaking of an Irish Nationalist M.P., who luckily still lives, said: "Mr.

I was vexed at the intrusion; but prompted by some impulse of curiosity, I lay still and listened. Barney was speaking as they approached. "In trath, Misther Gowdey, an' it's meself 'ud go far this blissed night for a dhrap o' the crayter. I noticed the little kig afore; but divil resave me av I thought it was anythin' barrin' cowld water.

Ask a new lease for your friends, the Daltons of course he won't give it; but at all events, come back to me, and let me know, as nearly in his own words as you can, what answer he will give you; go now, that is all that I can do for you in the matter." "Barrin' this, your honor, that set in case the poor heart-broken Daltons wor to get capital some way."

"Thrue for ye," he replied, "though it's little I get out of it, barrin' the sup o' whisky wi' my supper." "But ye might the more shame it is. Ye are weel-conditioned and hearty. It's no the counthree is to blame, neighbour, nor Katy indade. She works night and day for ye an' the childer. Ye are better here than over the sae." "Oh, then, I don't know.

And, distressed to think that anybody could suppose he'd allow any one there who had no business, Maloney promptly answered, "Sure nobody, sorr, barrin' Miss Wallen and Mr. Forrest. He come back twice and took her home. Misther Elmendorf was here, sorr " But Allison did not wait to hear about him.

I was lookin' to see some ugly mutts with underslung jaws and mops o' frizzy hair, like them Feejee Islanders ye see pitchers of. Barrin' the paint, I've seen worse-lookin' fellers than these back home." With which he gave the savages a wide, unmistakably approving grin. "Shut up!" muttered McKay. Lourenço, unruffled, made instant capital of Tim's remarks.