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She married a wealthy manufacturer bartered her blood for his money, and he failed, and here she resides, a bankrupt widow, petitioning any man that may be willing for his love AND a decent home. AND I say in charity. 'Mrs. Shorne comes here to-morrow. She is at present with guess, my dear! with Lady Racial. Do not be alarmed. I have met Lady Racial.

What will be the condition of the landlords if their farmers are ruined? or of bondholders if their debtors are bankrupt? or of railway proprietors if traffic ceases? or of owners of bank stock if bills are no longer presented for discount? or of the 3 per cents if Government, by the failure of the productive industry of the country, is rendered bankrupt?

"Bankrupt," I said, "as a consequence of your own success. What an odd situation!" "Now," said Gorman, "you see where Ascher comes in. "I do. But I don't expect he'll spend his firm's money fighting speculative law suits all over the world just to please you." "You don't see the position in the least. There'll be no law suits and he won't spend a penny.

It was received with much enthusiasm; but the company was rebellious and the manager bankrupt; and after running five nights, the man who played Pym threw up his part, and the theatre was closed. 'Pippa Passes. 'King Victor and King Charles. 'The Return of the Druses. 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon.

You ought to have been born in a pen, close to a well-filled trough. Corn, indeed!" "This country would probably be bankrupt if there were no corn crop, and you'd be digging hard for a living, instead of being a lazy schoolboy," retorted Reade, with an indulgent smile. "Let me see; how many hundred million dollars did Old Dut tell us the annual corn crop brings in wealth to this country?"

All the old habits of nationalistic policy reasserted themselves at Versailles. A frightened and bankrupt world could indeed hardly be expected to exhibit greater intelligence than the relatively happy and orderly one which had five years earlier allowed its sanctified traditions to drag it over the edge of the abyss.

We meet the same difficulty when we try to figure to ourselves the line of descent of any of the animal forms of to-day. How did they escape the world-wild catastrophe of earlier geologic times? Or did the creative impulse bank upon life as a whole and never become bankrupt, no matter what special lines or forms failed?

They treated money like rain, and the wastefulness in this trade has been rivaled by nothing recent except the European war. Some of the biggest studios are dark; some of the leaders of yesterday are so bankrupt that their banks don't dare let 'em drop for fear they'll bust and blow up the whole business.

The young attorney stretched out his spare colorless hands; opened wide his long, double-jointed fingers; pressed their ten little cushions together, and see-sawing the bunch in front of his concave waistcoat, answered in his best professional voice: "As to being bankrupt of funds I should say there was no doubt of that being their condition; as to any criminal intent or practices that, of course, gentlemen" and he shrugged his shoulders in a non-committal, non-actionable way "is not for me to decide."

To think that I, a tired accountant, the most prosaic of mankind, with the account-books of a swindling bankrupt before me, should be chosen of all the human race to look upon such a scene! It was the same scene and the same figures, but the drama had advanced a stage. The tall young man was holding the woman in his arms. She strained away from him and looked up at him with loathing in her face.