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He ran after her and caught her, begging her to return his pouch, explaining that it contained a talisman which had hitherto preserved him from every danger. "Well," said she, when he paused, "and the only error is, that you have met with me again to-day." She assured him that she would never return the talisman, and began many games with him as they had done in the garden at Balsora.

Abdallah continuing to extend his former improvements, beautified this whole prospect with groves and fountains, gardens and seats of pleasure, until it became the most delicious spot of ground within the empire, and is therefore called the garden of Persia. This Caliph, Ibrahim, after a long and happy reign, died without children, and was succeeded by Abdallah, a son of Abdallah and Balsora.

He received Jussuf with friendly nods, without rising from his cushion, motioning him to sit down opposite, and then said, "Ah, ah! my Jussuf; this is a rare visit. Hast thou at last been able to spare an hour from thy business to pay a visit to the old Modibjah? I hear that thou art become the most popular merchant in all Balsora, and that thou hast immense connections.

To Haschem's question where they came from, and what this land where they were was called, he received for answer, "that the ship belonged to a merchant of Balsora, and that it had been cast on these unknown shores by a violent storm." When the Princess perceived that the ship was going towards her native land, she was very much rejoiced.

Bedreddin kept on the pastry trade at Damascus, whence his uncle Sehemseddin departed three days after his arrival; he went by the way of Emaus, Hanah, and Halep; then crossed the Euphrates; and, after passing through Mardin, Moussoul, Singier, Diarbeker, and several other towns, arrived at last at Balsora; and, immediately after his arrival, desired audience of the sultan, who was no sooner informed of Schemseddin's quality, than he received him very favourably, and asked him the occasion of his journey to Balsora.

At these words my sisters changed colour, and I could easily perceive that afterwards they did not love me as formerly. We were come into the Persian gulph, and not far from Balsora, where I hoped, considering the fair wind, we might have arrived the day following; but in the night, when I was asleep, my sisters watched their time, and threw me overboard.

It is impossible to describe the surprise, the joy, the transport he was in at his first awaking. He fancied himself in the retirement of the blest, and that the spirit of his dear Balsora, who he thought was just gone before him, was the first who came to congratulate his arrival.

The next day a favourable south wind blew; they weighed anchor, and the ship, under press of sail, left the harbour for the open sea. The voyage was prosperous. No cloud overcast the heavens, the wind continued favourable, and, in the shortest possible time, they landed in the Port of Balsora. There lay many new ships at anchor, ready prepared, and laden with various wares.

The Mighty asked what business it could be that required such haste, and, when Mustapha had told him all, he persuaded him to spend that night in his tent, and allow his horse some rest; and promised the next morning to show him a route which would bring him to Balsora in a day and a half. My brother consented, was sumptuously entertained, and slept soundly till morning in the robber's tent.

The prince continued some moments swallowed up with these melancholy thoughts: at last he lifted up his head, and calling one of his servants, Go, said he, to Ebn Timber's house, and ask any of his domestics if he be gone to Balsora; run and come back quickly, and tell me what you hear.