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The Balonda have taught them, by their poisoned arrows, to keep out of sight. We did not see one basking in the sun. The Balonda set so many little traps for birds that few appear. More rain has been falling in the east than here, for the Leeambye was rising fast and working against the sandy banks so vigorously that a slight yellow tinge was perceptible in it.

The Balonda cultivate the manioc or cassava extensively; also dura, ground-nuts, beans, maize, sweet potatoes, and yams, here called "lekoto", but as yet we see only the outlying villages.

Message to Masiko, the Barotse Chief, regarding the Captives Navigation of the Leeambye Capabilities of this District The Leeba Flowers and Bees Buffalo-hunt Field for a Botanist Young Alligators; their savage Nature Suspicion of the Balonda Sekelenke's Present A Man and his two Wives Hunters Message from Manenko, a female Chief Mambari Traders A Dream Sheakondo and his People Teeth-filing Desire for Butter Interview with Nyamoana, another female Chief Court Etiquette Hair versus Wool Increase of Superstition Arrival of Manenko; her Appearance and Husband Mode of Salutation Anklets Embassy, with a Present from Masiko Roast Beef Manioc Magic Lantern Manenko an accomplished Scold: compels us to wait Unsuccessful Zebra-hunt.

The honesty of the Bakwains has been already noticed. Probably the estimation in which I was held as a public benefactor, in which character I was not yet known to the Balonda, may account for the sacredness with which my property was always treated before. But other incidents which happened subsequently showed, as well as this, that idolaters are not so virtuous as those who have no idols.

While delayed, by Manenko's management, among the Balonda villages, a little to the south of the town of Shinte, we were well supplied by the villagers with sweet potatoes and green maize; Sambanza went to his mother's village for supplies of other food. "No; her messenger must return from her uncle first."

In going to Loanda I took little or no European food, in order not to burden my men and make them lose spirit, but trusted entirely to what might be got by the gun and the liberality of the Balonda; but on this journey I took some flour which had been left in the wagon, with some got on the island, and baked my own bread all the way in an extemporaneous oven made by an inverted pot.

It is called a lion, though, if one were not told so, he would conclude it to be an alligator. It stood in a shed, and the Balonda pray and beat drums before it all night in cases of sickness. Some of the men of Manenko's train had shields made of reeds, neatly woven into a square shape, about five feet long and three broad.

When a chief dies, a number of servants are slaughtered with him to form his company in the other world. The Barotse followed the same custom, and this and other usages show them to be genuine negroes, though neither they nor the Balonda resemble closely the typical form of that people.

I liked his appearance and conversation, and believe that the Balonda would not be difficult to teach, but their mode of life would be a drawback. The Balonda in this quarter are much more agreeable-looking than any of the inhabitants nearer the coast.

The Balonda appear to have some belief in the existence of the soul, and a greater feeling of reverence in their composition than the tribes to the eastward. Among their customs they have a remarkable one. Those who take it into their heads to become friends, cement their friendship. Taking their seats opposite one to the other, with a vessel of beer by the side of each, they clasp hands.