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It did not take the colored girl long to find the wrap, and, escorted by Baker, Nancy ran down the steps and entered the waiting hack. They drove in absolute silence, Nancy gazing straight before her with brooding eyes. Never had he escorted so quiet a prisoner, and Baker was glad when they reached the War Department.

A week or ten days after this three letters arrived from Bertram, one for Caroline, one for Miss Baker, and one for Harcourt. Caroline and her aunt had lingered in London, both doubtless in the hope that Bertram would return. There can be little doubt now that had he returned, and had he been anxious for the marriage, Miss Waddington would have consented.

Baker and Bennet Langton, Esq., who were the two first to assist me in my early labours, and who have been mentioned among the forerunners and coadjutors of the cause, were elected members of it. Dr. Kippis also was added to the list.

Lieutenant Baker was heavily loaded, as he carried a Purdy rifle slung across his back, together with a large bag of ammunition, while he held a double breechloader smooth-bore in his hand, with a bag of heavy buckshot cartridges upon his shoulder. These carried picrate of potash shells that were immensely powerful.

Patsy had wondered that the Mistress did not see it, was not disturbed by it, seeing how fond a wife she was. His heart sank with fear for the Master. "Let me deal with him, father," said Terry, looking like a young god in contrast with the unpleasant Mr. Baker. "I know this man," Sir Shawn said, quietly. "He once rendered me a service." "When I were gamekeeper over to Ashbridge 'All," said Mr.

After this he was rarely seen among men of his own age women he never mingled with. He removed to his uncle's stately house in Baker street, and assimilated his life very much to that of the older money maker. Occasionally he took a run northward to Glasgow, or a month's vacation on the Continent, but nearly all such journeys were associated with some profitable loan or investment.

If I should go to him and say; 'Plant, my agile sylph, these people are my friends. Give them their nice little permit and let them run away and play, why, he'd do it in a minute." Baker rolled his eyes drolly at Welton. "Can this be the shadow of doubt! You disbelieve my power?" He leaned forward and tapped Welton's knee. His voice became grave: "I'll tell you what I'll do.

"Why, the writer said that he supposed no one liked to be uncomfortable; but whether it was the sermon that should change, or the life, in order to remove the discomfort, was a question for each to decide for himself." "Sharp!" said Charlie, laughing; "you've got hit, Baker." "Oh, no," he said, "not at all.

I worked in the Jumbo, at Goldfield, Nevada, up to last year. So did Baker." "When did you go into the White River country?" "August." "How did you go in?" "We packed in. When our grub ran out, we killed our horses and cached the meat for dog-feed." "Is there any other dog-feed there?" "No, sir." "Any people?" "Not a soul. The country is open to the first comers.

This popular sanctuary was the tomb of a Scotch pilgrim from Perth who had been a baker.