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Even on holidays, days of general money-giving and of feasting on buckwheat dumplings and vodka, after the old Russian fashion even on such days Styopushka did not put in an appearance at the trestle-tables nor at the barrels; he did not make his bow nor kiss the master's hand, nor toss off to the master's health and under the master's eye a glass filled by the fat hands of the bailiff.

"Banished from the province, four district governors, and three bailiffs, and nineteen petty officers. "Dismissed from office, three metsukés, or censors, and seven magistrates. "Condemned to hara-kiri, one district governor and one Yedo bailiff.

William Neave, the governor of the prison, looked astonished indeed when, upon his opening the door, the grand master and the bailiff of the English langue, with the twelve knights behind them, entered.

"No, but we both presided over Jacobins, citizen," replied the old cynic, "you at Arcis, I elsewhere. I see you've kept your Carmagnole civility, but it's no longer in fashion, my good fellow." "The park strikes me as rather large; we might lose our way. If you are really the bailiff show us the path to the chateau," said Corentin, in a peremptory tone.

The bailiff who showed this nervous dread of loving his neighbour as himself, went up the hill, and Oak walked on to the village, still astonished at the ren- counter with Bathsheba, glad of his nearness to her, and perplexed at the rapidity with which the unpractised girl of Norcombe had developed into the supervising and cool woman here.

Was this to be the end of his dreams, then? Bailiff Morrison's cottage, two pounds a week, and Joan for his wife? He, who had dreamed of fame, of travel in distant countries, of passing some day into the elect of those who had written their names large in the book of life. His heart swelled in passionate revolt.

A bailiff with a warrant for his arrest would cause his instant collapse and a message that "all was discovered" would exactly as in the popular saw lead him to flee at once. Upon this dread of the unknown the criminal attorney plays whenever possible. It is his strongest asset, his stock in trade.

Such were the directions of Mr. Tyrrel, and in strict conformity to his directions were the proceedings of that respectable limb of the law he employed upon the present occasion. Miss Melville had been delirious, through a considerable part of the day on the evening of which the bailiff and his follower arrived. By the direction of the physician whom Mr.

"Well, ma'am, I er that is " "You want me to engage one of Admiral Morgan's men to take poor John Grange's place?" "Yes, ma'am," said the bailiff, recovering himself; "and I don't think, you can do better." "But I don't want another man." The bailiff shrugged his shoulders, and looked deprecatingly at his mistress.

Two calves broke out of the tumult, and made a bee-line for the farm, and the whole flock followed, over stock and stone. All Pelle had to do now was to run after them, making plenty of fuss, and craftily keep the buzzing going, so that the mood should last till they reached home. The bailiff himself came running to open the gate into the enclosure, and helped to get the animals in.