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"Bah! we were quite near the city," said Glowacz. "Yet if it were not for these people, we should have strayed till midnight, since we had deviated from the right path." "Because the fire was extinguished." Meanwhile they arrived in town.

For the skin was damaged in three places, and the nail of his left thumb was split in a painful way. "Disgusting," said the old man. "I trusted you to go over there, and you come back a disreputable wreck. All my teaching seems to be thrown away upon a pugnacious untrustworthy boy." "I'm not pugnacious, uncle, if they'd let me alone." "Bah! You ought to be above noticing the scum of the place."

As for this talk about hunger, O'Reilly need not concern himself in the least on that score, for Jacket was a small eater and could grow fat on a diet of dead leaves. Disease? Bah! It made him laugh. His experience with sickness was wider than most fisicos, and he was a better nurse than Miss Evans would ever be. Jacket did not wish to appear in the least boastful.

But seeing that they did not welcome him eagerly, he thought that possibly only commissioned officers were admitted to the house, and this made him uneasy. But he said: "Bah, if one comes in, we can soon tell." He then remarked: "Are you all well?" The large lady, no doubt the mistress of the house, replied: "Very well, thank you!" He could think of nothing else to say, and they were all silent.

"In the World of Fashion, sir, there are no gentlemen left," his hearer broke in. "How, sir ?" "I say no, sir, no one. I say, damme, sir " "But, sir " "I say there are no gentlemen in the fashionable world they are all blackguardly Bucks, cursed Corinthians, and mincing Macaronies nowadays, sir. Fashionable world bah, sir!" "But, sir, is not the Prince himself " "The Prince, sir!"

But Miss Sparks was not to be put down by any argument. "Bah! they are stuck-up Bostonians. And do you know, Jacqueline, you are getting very tiresome? You were faster yourself than I when we were the Blue Band at Treport."

The mother had nursed him, but she did not love him. When the persistent clamor of the brat became too annoying, "Your son is squalling," Thenardier would say; "do go and see what he wants." "Bah!" the mother would reply, "he bothers me." And the neglected child continued to shriek in the dark.

Her ponderous visitor had made a discovery which had yet been made by no other human being. Her own absurd romance, her ancient illusion, had taught her to know when love lay behind another woman's face. And after her fashion, Maitresse Aimable loved Jean Touzel as it is given to few to love. "I was sixteen when I fell in love; you're seventeen you," she said. "Ah bah, so it goes!"

"'Wen yo' see a pig agoin' along Widder straw en de sider 'is mouf, It'll be a tuhble winter, En yo' bettuh move down Souf." He jumped up and dashed into a breakdown, clattering the bones, and screeching: "'Squirl he got a bushy tail, Possum's tail am bah, Raccoon's tail am ringed all roun' Touch him ef yo dah! Rabbit got no tail at all, Cep a little bit o' bunch o' hah."

"Commend me to the latter, an ye will," answered Hereford, on whose brow a cloud of something like distaste had spread; "but by mine honor, I love not the business of the last week. I have brought it to a close, however, and praise the saints for it." "Bah! thou art over-squeamish, Hereford.